Season starts Wed.

Ravin R10 man

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Good luck Martin.

Season been opened here for nearly 2 weeks now and not gone past the back porch to listen aside from the time I have been out checking traps and shooting beavers. Closest gobbles I have heard have been so far off our property, not worth wasting my time right now.

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Had 1 inch of heavy wet snow last eve, two birds to my north were gobbling on roost by 6 a.m. I'm in a pop up blind, and good thing, melting snow is just dripping down, sounds like a rain forest. I hit em with a few tree purrs and soft putts with "Redbeards" 3.0 4 track player call to let em know I was out there. They flew down and got busy chasin the hens around, as they were moving around some. I look to the south, and 5 Jakes came in to my calling, they hung around, finally a few hens walk in from the north, followed by the two Toms. They got to shotgun range, and the hot hen took them back north before I could tell which Tom was the best one. Well they ran back and forth chasin here for the next two hours, while I had several jakes and hens just scratching in the oaks, and going nowhere. Finally, the jakes moved off back south, the hens went north. Gobbling every so often, the Toms came close a few times, then after about 3 hours, it sounded like they had dropped the hens and were just staying in one spot Gobbling, SO, I hit Redbeards call and here they come on the run! Both Gobblers heading along the field edge, I get both to Gobble every time I strike. When they get directly in front of me, I pop in a Primos Mini Sonic mouth call, it's so easy to make an excited hen call, and no hand movement either, they turn and head right towards my location, Im set up 40 yards in the timber. At 25 yards, I pick the best bird and send a Federal 3.5" # 5 his way. He flops right over, the other bird almost does a cartwheel backwards. Even got the kill on my game cam the very second I shot.

I too did Redbeards, "Dead Bird Rodeo"!

Thanks DEAN!

Edited by Mathews XT Man
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