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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/05/14 in all areas

  1. i actually had a hunter come on a $3000 deer/antelope hunt with a new gun in the box and a new scope in the box. he was going to put it together and go hunting. not with me, i said, and made him buy a box of shells for my gun and shoot them all before we even went out. he was actually a good shot, but holy cow....
    1 point
  2. We bought a used 2004 Kia Sedona back in 2005 that had 40k. We drove it until about 2009 it had 99k. It needed some work and did not want to spend money on a car that had 99k. We took it on several camping vacations. I never really noticed any lack of power on the Sedona. Since then, we had a used 2007 Sorento and it drove well. Traded that one and another car in for new 2013 Sorento and Rio. The both can be short on power on the highway but not in the city. I did not check the engine size when I bought them or see if there was other options on the engine size because they gave us a sweet deal on both cars. My wife still misses the Sedona. No horror stories here.
    1 point