Was wondering if anyone had any good advice for a person getting ready to work on their first food plot. Here is a little info on my spot.
Going to have a soil test done and start at least a 1 acre food plot for blacktail deer this year. One other spot that is 1/2 acre plus a couple of old short roads that may be able to turn into food plots as well. Need to eliminate the blackberries that have taken over first.
Here is some of the info I got from the NRCS website
Suver silty clay loam, 12 to 20 percent slopes
Calcium Carbonate (CaCO3)- 0 Rating(Percent)
Cation-Exchange Capacity (CEC-7) Rating (milliequivalents per 100 grams)- 15.0
Organic Matter- Rating (percent)- 3.50
Percent Clay- Rating (percent) 31.0
Percent Sand- Rating (percent) 18.1
Percent silt- Rating (percent) 50.9
Drainage Class- Somewhat poorly drained
pH Rating 5.6
Elevation: 280 to 800 feet
Mean annual precipitation: 40 to 60 inches
Mean annual air temperature: 52 to 54 degrees F
Frost-free period: 165 to 210 days
H1 - 0 to 11 inches: silty clay loam
H2 - 11 to 42 inches: clay
H3 - 42 to 52 inches: weathered bedrock
I'm thinking to look into Soybeans, Brassicas, Chicory, Winter Peas, Winter Oats. Surrounding fields are planted in Fescue. Not sure what the best mix would be for the plot.
The blackberries will be mowed mid-summer. Wait till they grow back to around 18inches and then spray. Wait 10 days to clear dead blackberries and till. Then lime, fertilize, and seed.