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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/27/15 in all areas

  1. Good ole red, white and blue, my favorites... Getting shot in the face at 20yds has gotta hurt... 20#, 11-3/8" beard and 22 & 23mm spurs. Had a wild morning. There were 11 legal birds in the decoys. 4 longbeards and 7 jakes along with 3 hens. It was very busy for a couple minutes. CR
    1 point
  2. You can mess up a skull fast boiling them might try a method called maceration u get a bucket and fill with water and put a fish tank heater in it turned all the way up and leave your skull in there wait 5 days and change half the water till its done then u degrease and whiten the teeth will fall out using this method but u just glue em back. One thing is u r basically rotting the flesh off so it is pretty bad on the smell factor.
    1 point