Team Realtree

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Team Realtree last won the day on September 27 2016

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About Team Realtree

  • Birthday 09/13/1963


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    Columbus, Georgia
  • user_name_impex
    Team Realtree

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  1. Also, I just pulled up the coup[on code list that has your names and emails, so using that I should be able to take care of all of them (Including yours Joe). S
  2. Sorry, We've had unscheduled visitors in the office this week and I have pulled in 10 different directions. I was looking for the emails (William sent me Martin's), and I was going to do them all at once. So I have Martin's, Frank's from above and Joe, you can try emailing me at [email protected] or PM me here in the forums. I just turned that back on after not realizing it was off in the first place! Is that everyone? Just let me know. Thanks, S
  3. Sorry guys, I have been out of town since Sunday night. And sorry you've had the troubles with the orders. Did you get a email confirmations for the orders? Can you forward those to me or maybe an order number? I'll get with the sales team as soon as I have them. Just email me or forward that info along to me at the address below with your names. If you don't have the order information email me your name and your address so they can find the order. RangerClay, send me yours too. Thanks, S Scott Hughes/Realtree [email protected]
  4. Hey Adam, I'm still here, but I haven't received an email that I can recall. We upgraded our email exchange server a few months back, so I'll need to make sure it isn't getting blocked. Lynn retired last year, so she wouldn't have got it. When she retired, Dodd Clifton, who heads up our PR took over her responsibilities for sponsorships and donations. You can email him directly at [email protected]. Thanks, and sorry I missed your emails. S
  5. Very nice! I think we'll share the picture on our social media platforms and invite folks to come in here and join the forums. S
  6. It's been discussed before, but there has never been an actual plan to do it. I know that there have been sites that have tried it and failed. It's common on sports related sites and has done well, but our concerns would be the ability to deliver unique content on an ongoing basis and make it a service someone would want to continue paying to receive. In the hunting industry that might be hard when you think about all of the free information out there such as tips, product news, etc. S
  7. Thanks for all the responses so far. We'll give the thread to the end of this week or early next week and I'll get everyone's mailing address to get you some product. Scott Hughes Realtree
  8. Our friends at Grime Boss, makers of the best hand wipes we've ever used in the shop or the woods is doing a little research for their next product line that can be used in that outhouse or the woods! Yep Grime Boss "Port-O-Wipes." Before they go to market, Grime Boss has asked us for a little input from our friends here in the forums. Let Grime Boss know what you think! Check out, answer, and comment on the questions below and if your post is what they're looking for, they are going to send you (and many others) product to try our for yourself! Thanks! Scott Hughes Realtree Marketing Here is a picture of the new Grime Boss wipes coming out soon (click to enlarge). We would appreciate your thoughts on the product by answering and commenting on the questions below it. [ATTACH=CONFIG]13389[/ATTACH] 1. What would you use this product for? a. Wipe for cleaning surfaces b. Wipe for cleaning hands & face c. Wipes used after going the bathroom (#2) d. Wipes used in cars or when traveling 2. Is it clear from the product that the product is for use after going to the bathroom (#2) ? a. Yes b. No 3. Assuming price is not a factor, how likely would you be to purchase this product? a. Definitely b. Probably c. Might or Might Not d. Probably Not e. Definitely Not 4. Is Port-O-Wipes an appropriate name for wipes that take the place of toilet paper “on the go”? a. Yes b. No 5. What would you call them? a. Port-O-Wipes b. Butt Wipes c. Outback Wipes d. Moist Toilet Tissue e. Other (please specify _____________________) Do you have any additional comments on this type product?
  9. Camo Dipping Offer If anyone is looking to getting something dipped, one of our partners is offering a deal on their website. Dynamic Finishes in Missouri will camo your rifle or single barrel shotgun for $30 off their regular dipping price in Realtree Max 1 or Max 4 Patterns, On Orders Received Before March 17, 2013. Just enter RealtreeMax as a coupon code on their order form: Missouri Dynamic Finishes Camo Dipping FFL
  10. Camo Dipping Offer If anyone is looking to getting something dipped, one of our partners is offering a deal on their website. Dynamic Finishes in Missouri will camo your rifle or single barrel shotgun for $30 off their regular dipping price in Realtree Max 1 or Max 4 Patterns, On Orders Received Before March 17, 2013. Just enter RealtreeMax as a coupon code on their order form: Missouri Dynamic Finishes Camo Dipping FFL
  11. Camo Dipping Offer If anyone is looking to getting something dipped, one of our partners is offering a deal on their website. Dynamic Finishes in Missouri will camo your rifle or single barrel shotgun for $30 off their regular dipping price in Realtree Max 1 or Max 4 Patterns, On Orders Received Before March 17, 2013. Just enter RealtreeMax as a coupon code on their order form: Missouri Dynamic Finishes Camo Dipping FFL
  12. Camo Dipping Offer If anyone is looking to getting something dipped, one of our partners is offering a deal on their website. Dynamic Finishes in Missouri will camo your rifle or single barrel shotgun for $30 off their regular dipping price in Realtree Max 1 or Max 4 Patterns, On Orders Received Before March 17, 2013. Just enter RealtreeMax as a coupon code on their order form: Missouri Dynamic Finishes Camo Dipping FFL
  13. Our editors have taken all of our turkey hunting content and either placed it or linked it all here in one place. A great resource that any hardcore turkey hunter (or beginner) might want to bookmark (or share in other forums). Turkey Hunting | Realtree ®
  14. We just uploaded 30 new mobile wallpapers in 4 different sizes today for the iPhone, Droid and more. Check them out here: Hunting Mobile Wallpaper | Realtree ® and look for these same images for your computer early next week! [ATTACH=CONFIG]12321[/ATTACH]
  15. Today's addition to's Antler Nation report got a "C' for a grade, but New Mexico is also the only state in the Union that offers both the Coues and Texanus subspecies of whitetails. And although those populations are considered slim, it still provides a unique opportunity for the willing whitetail hunter to consider. See the report here: Whitetail Hunting Strategy | How To Hunt Whitetail | Realtree ®