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Everything posted by Buckbuster

  1. This may not be in the right topic & can be moved if needed, but I just wanted to let everyone know just how Mathews stands behind their bows & customers. The other day I took the Swithback XT plunge. Well to make a long story short I did something I thought that I would never do - yes I dry fired it! Talking about being sick! The string came completely off & nearly cut it into & also warped the cam.I took it to my archery shop for inspection. He said that Mathews would stand behind the limbs, which were not damaged, but not the string & the cam. THis repair was going to cost me $90(+-) just in materials. About a week later I picked up the bow & my dealer said that Mathews told him to go ahead & replace the string & cam at no cost to me. I know that Mathews is one of the greatest ( the greatest in my book), bow manufacturers in the world, but that is just awesome! Thank you Mathews. I will be back.
  2. One Down Well here he is. It took me a while to post him but he should be on the board. I took him the opening day. He came in with 9 hens, 21.75 lbs., 10 1/4" beard & 1" spurs
  3. 2007 Turkey Contest Photo Submission Thread Team 17 - 21.75#, 10 1/4" Beard, 1" Spurs
  4. Re: TURKEY TEAM #17 Our season opens this weekend. Can't wait to get after them. There's nothing like going out before sunrise & listening to the first big ol' gobbler sound off - can't wait!
  5. Re: 2007 Forums Turkey Contest Sign-up Count me in: BuckBuster Kentucky Adult Eastern
  6. Re: 06-07 RT Forum Deer Contest - ENTRY Buckbuster Team-26 - Buck Buster 10 Point - Nov. 3, 2006 - Mathews LX *** TO HERE ***
  7. Re: 06-07 RT Forum Deer Contest - ENTRY Team 26 - Buck Busters - doe
  8. Re: Team 26 Thanks Billygoat. I've got some points to add as soon as I get my pictures posted.
  9. Re: Team 26 Ok - I'll Second going with " Buck Buster " as our team name. What do the rest of you think or do you have a suggestion. Come on, let's get it rolling.
  10. Re: Team 26 Hi to all. Just checking in. Name? How about "Buckbusters" - no wait that's my name.
  11. Re: 06-07 RT Forum Deer Contest - SIGN-UP Buckbuster 49 Sept 2-Jan.15
  12. Re: SELLERS and BUYERS info post Purschased videos from IowaDeerHunter,good to do buisness with. Thanks Russel
  13. Re: Hunting VHS/DVD\'s, and Nascar DVD\'s for Sale For some reason my PMs are not going through. I'm trying to check & see if you have received my payment. Please give me an update ASAP. Thanks!
  14. Re: Hunting VHS/DVD\'s, and Nascar DVD\'s for Sale Sent you a PM
  15. Re: SELLERS and BUYERS info post Thanks ShowMeBuck, would also recommend buying fromShowMeBuck. Kept me updated & a speedy transaction. Thanks again.
  16. Re: I anyone else out there still hunting? Yep! Still bow hunting. Going to a special bow hunt tommorow & Saturday.
  17. Re: Hunting VHS/DVD\'s, and Nascar DVD\'s for Sale Sent you PM
  18. Well to make a long story short, after hunting a few days ago, I place my Mathews LX on top of the cab of my truck. Yes I knew better, first time I'd done it , & I was thinking then, better not do that, one of these days you'll drive off with it. Not giving it another thought I jumped in my truck & took off down the gravel road. All @ once I heard a bump bump & looking in my mirror was my bow going end over end down the road. Stopping & checking the damage, the wheel was chipped & the cam bent. I had my archery shop to work me up a price for repairs. Can you believe that they called back & said that Mathews would send me the cam & wheel @ no charge? That my friend is loyal service even tho it was absolutly my fault.. You can guess what brand of bow I'll be buying again.
  19. Re: Looking for Dale Taylor Tis' I. Check you PM.
  20. Re: gas prices and trucks???? 95' Ford Ranger Ext. cab 4X4 V-6 15mpg. always wanted a FWD but this is ridiculous! Wish I had my 94' 2wd 4cyc Ford Ranger 25 mpg 190,000 miles, that I sold to a bunch of Mexicans ( one of them bought it & another drove off with it????) I guess they got the "last Laugh". One of the best trucks that I ever owned.
  21. Buckbuster

    Rubber Bands

    Re: Rubber Bands I've got a bunch left over from my Rocket mechanicals. Be glad to mail them if you'll send me you address.
  22. Re: How many Kentucky Hunters??? Kentuckian all the way. Hunt Hardin, Grayson & Spencer co.
  23. Re: GE VHS Camcorder www.hunt101.com/showphoto.php?photo=286447&password=&sort=7&thecat=561 Click On this Link to see a pic of the Camera