Straight Shooter

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Everything posted by Straight Shooter

  1. Thanks, I'll save my oney for the Under World "Rise of the Lycans".
  2. Good luck to you! I just finished my season up here in NC and went the last four days of it. Myself and my hunting partner managed to kill 8 does ( 4 each) and get some herd management done.
  3. being new to shooting a bow, more than likely your main problem is your grip. Most new archer feel like they need to squeeze the grip on the bow and this causes an exceptional amount of torque. Which is basically causing your bow to be out of alignment on the shot causing your inaccuracy. Just allow your grip hand to relax with your finger tips just barely touching the front of the riser. when your release the string don't be worried the bow will jump out of your hand, because it won't. If you have a wrist strap on your bow then there is no reason what so ever for you to gripping your bow at all, just shoot and let the bow fall forward. Welcome to the forums and let us know how its going.
  4. to each his own with recommendations to on any rest and personally as I said before I prefer the WB. These are some great rest to be so simple. As far as noise on them when drawing, I believe it is all int he type of arrow you are shooting. My neighbor shoot's Easton Axis arrows and he said it sounded like a fiddler player drawing his bow across the string when he tried to draw back on a buck in 20 degree weather. I shoot GT camo shafts and have not had any problems with noise what so ever when drawing. I don't know if it's the coating or what on the different shafts. Accuracy isn't a problem, I can't shoot my broadheads at the same dot all the way to 45 yards; I just don't like ruining arrows unless it's on a deer. I like hte containment of the arrow in the rest, I've hunted some 20-40 mph wind days and the rest is a life saver for keeping it ready to shoot. Vane wear isn't an issue since Blazers have hit the market, and feather work well in the WB as well.
  5. Ruth....Like what is said above, you can do many adjustments to your bow witht he cables and strings. Yes, the person doing the adjustments should check your timing, tiller, poundage, ATA, and BH when any adjustments are done. Twisting the harness you can adjust the poindage as well as the ATA. I'm sure they'll be mindful of not putting to much twist in the string. If you've got a yoke system on your bow, make sure they check for cam lean on either of them. Personally I would have them check the length of the string and harness when you take it, you should technically be able to achieve higher poundage than your bow states on thelimbs by about 2-3 pounds when the limb bolts are bottomed out. It sounds like to me that your string is a bit to long and putting a few twist in the string should do the trick.
  6. Well, I don't get to upgrade but I did have a ball hunting the last days of rifle season here in NC. I was able to help depleat the Doe population by 4 more taken by me and 4 by my buddy I was hunting with. It's been years since I have taken a deer with a rifle, so this last hunt was really exciting. I also took my further shot ever by taking a Doe at 306 yards dropping her in her tracks. Then shot another at 154, one at 208, and the first I shot at 30 yards. Lots of fun this week and now I'm waiting on next season.
  7. Rules are Rules Just like it has been stated above in several different posts that it is the rules of P&Y and this club is ran by members voted in; not some government ran organization. the entry process isn't a hard one, just follow the rules but first and foremost know them before trying to enter an animal, then you will not be discouraged when you haven't met one of their rules for your animal taken. Their rules are fairly simple and posted on the internet for everyone to see. When I started bowhunting, I read and followed (and still do) all P&Y rules, just in case I did take a P&Y animal. The 65% let-off rule being moved up to the 80% let-off was primarily pushed by the bow manufacturers pushing that, with al the new bows being made in that let-off and bringing in more bowhunters which was a needed kick for bowhunting. I doubt very seriously that lighted nocks will be as big as the 80% let-off bows being sold, it's not going to make or break bowhunting or archery manufacturing if they aren't being used.
  8. Congrats on a very fine buck! Gotta love that character!
  9. I'm going to be grunting away next week on the last four days of the season here in NC. Blind or visual, it should work to draw in a buck looking for an unbred doe.
  10. Congrats on the new bow, I've good things about them!
  11. I switched both of my hunting rests over to the WB deluxe's two years ago, these rest are so reliable and easy to it's pittiful. they look like nothing but dang do they work, it'd take more than a hurricane to get the arrow off of the rest, they are accurate as well as easy to tune. I'd recomment them for any hunting set up.
  12. Leaving this Sunday for the last 4 days of our season here in NC. I'm hoping to bust something bigger for more points. I'm taking a rifle, that'll be alittle different since I haven't hunted with a rifle in years. I will be taking by bow as well for the first couple of days. As the season winds down, you folks be careful out there and hunt safe!
  13. Yes, I would agree and this was during the period when ROSS was going through all that junk (putting it lightly) with G5. Dealers and everyone that had a ROSS was getting rid of them at any cost. Besides being a great bow, that is the reason I bought three of them. These prices are 07 bows and they are now coming up on 2 years old.
  14. I'm sorry does it make the bow worth more since you've owned it? I was just stating what I got my bows for, I'm sure you'll get your money.
  15. Yep, I got one for 350.00 and another for 425.00 this past spring.
  16. Sorry to hear about the lost deer. I don't guess you've ever tried to track a deer in the rain. Water and blood just don't go together, a good shoulder shot will drop them in their tracks and is recommended if it's standing in a large swamp.
  17. I love this exchange! I received my package last night and WOW! I can't wait to get back into the woods and use this stuff. Thank you Steve and Merry Christmas!
  18. There aren't any deer in Ohio, just little scrub bucks.
  19. Great deer flyerla! You guys are close, this guy has got a 19" inside spread and you'd be surpirsed on the amount of guys that guessed him to be over the 130-140 mark.
  20. This a buck my brother got in Ohio this year, just curious to know what you think this one will score? It's always interesting to see everyone's guess.
  21. If yo hit below the spine, I'd think the impact would have broken the spinal cord and he'd dropped in his tracks. With little blood trail, I'd say you hit him in gut. I'd look for a water source on my next trip in to look for him. Good luck!
  22. It hasn't hurt anything in Ohio having one buck per hunter state wide, no matter what you take it with. We can kill 4 here in NC and I wish they'd go to one or maybe two allowed.