Straight Shooter

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Everything posted by Straight Shooter

  1. Your over spined on the 2213's and 2216's; check and make sure on vane clearance as well. The 2013 is under spined , I'd recommend trying a 2114. Also, don't shoot so far away from the paper, get a truer cut coming off the rest by being closer.
  2. Need to know the arrow speed and weight to get the KE amount. From you set up at 70#; I'd be willing to bet you have plenty. You should be in the range of 55 to 67# of KE which is more than enough for any big game animal in the U.S. You go up in head weight you might make your setup under spined then you've got a new problem with bad arrow flight.
  3. I got 12, I really staggered in the middle of it.
  4. I wish, I just had shoulder and elbow surgery. So, I'll just be looking at my bows for the next few months.
  5. Besy way to test any of those product(scent elimination) is wipe an onion or something strong smelling on your hand or clothes. Then spray it with what ever elimination killer you are using at the moment, if it doesn't eliminate the smell; then it doesn't work. Believe me I seen some that do and some that don't.
  6. Welcome Welcome! I look forward to seeing more of you and Don on here!
  7. Gerber all the way. I've got a three bladed Gerber that i've had for 12 years or more. They don't even make this knife anymore. Its got the skinning blade, gut hook blade, and a bone saw blade with the outer shell made of high impact plastic. Everything i've got is Gerber, so I guess i'm partial to them. lol;)
  8. Never thought of a collage, thanks for the idea.
  9. Thanks for the heads up, i'll wait for the video to come out. The same thing with the shakey camera was in Urban Justice with Steven Seigal on the fight scenes, you couldn't even see his moves, just the impact of his feet and hands. Nothing like the older movies of his. FYI
  10. I'm so sorry to hear of your loss and my prayers are with you and your family.
  11. Fred Bear Pro Specialist way long ago.
  12. Tony I took what said to save time on my typing with one, out of everyone on here; I feel you and I are the closest on the way we shoot and set our bows up. Don't know how long you've been doin' it, but I've been at for going on 16 years competitively.
  13. samething as adding to your "favorites".
  15. Go There Everytime I Get On Here, Might Something New And Use It As A Quick Link To The State Dnr's. Sorry For All Caps, Ihad Shoulder And Elbow Surgery Last Friday, Typing With One Hand, It Just Makes It Simpler To Type.
  16. "I know cats are big machines and all but in that picture it looks liek a little toy. Either your a monster of a man or on a deck or something :)" My 400 Kitty does great! This is a 110# Doe on the rack.
  17. Welcome to the forums, you'll love it here and learn lots from lots of wisdom in the bow woods.
  18. Use a non-stretching string, its easier to maneuver around the antlers as well as a more acurrate reading for the lengths. Measurers use a steel cable for most of the measrements then lay the cable on a tape to measure the length/circumferences. jmo
  19. Ooooh that's gotta stink! Maybe color your dryer camo and run a long extension cord to have the biggest scent dispensor ever!LOL:D
  20. Straight Shooter

    My opinion.

    I saw the episode and it was no big deal. I believe it was Rhett Atkins he was with, just having fun and comradery. Welcome to the forums RASTA and choose your first amendment rights carefully with your first post on here. I have family and friends in the military and I know good and well a spoon is nothing.