Straight Shooter

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Everything posted by Straight Shooter

  1. Ahhh blood! I don't guess you watch Ultimate fighting because its got blood covered opponents and these guys are still alive. I can understand if you don't like to look at photos with blood in them, but it is by far not showing respect for the animal in my opinion. Some of these kids on here and even adults are so excited about their harvest, who cares about about the blood. Cleaning up for a nice blood free photo is the last thing on their minds, its going to take them hours to come off the natural high they are on and even start to think if the photo has blood or to much blood in it. I didn't go to photography ethics class and the photos I take are mine. If I elect to post them and they have to much graphic material inthem, then its your choice of whether to keep looking at them or move on to another post. Don't come in here preaching down on some of these folks for the most exciting times in their hunting lives. JMO If I take a blood free photo, its for the guide lines of submitting photos to the P&Y club otherwise its for my photo album at home.
  2. Congrats on a good buck. Is that score gross or net?
  3. I'm going back out east here in NC after Christmas.
  4. I happy everyday, but more so when I watch white fletchings disappear in the side of a deer!
  5. Congrats elnor! I got skunked in Ohio but only by choice. I let several small bucks go, (spike, 4, 6, 8 point bucks) I was on a bruiser about 20" wide main frame 10 or 12 point, just couldn't connect with him. Got one more hunt here in NC coming up, maybe it'll then.
  6. Welcome to the forums first off! I followed a blood trail a couple of weeks ago from a Magnus Stinger that a blind man could follow, NO KIDDING! That is what my buddy hunts with, I hunt with Muzzy 75 gr. heads and have had both great and not so great blood trails, but recovered the deer. Personally I don't care if a deer is shot with a two or siw bladed head, its a matter of where you hit them on how well they are going to bleed. Its just the same as a 1" cutting diameter verses a 2" cutting diameter, you hit'em right they are going down, some with a good blood trail some without. I've been using Muzzy's for over 14 years now and if the deer doesn't bleed its usually my fault not the broadheads. JMO
  7. I always take my camera with me, except when there is heavy rain expected. I got some great footage of a button buck in Ohio two weeks ago with my dvd camera. Rained most of the week so I couldn't get a 4,6, 8, point buck on video or camera. Had a skunk and some pretty cool looking fox squirrels I wanted to get also.
  8. He'll gross in the mid 150's probably net in the upper 140's. Great deer none the less! Congrats!
  9. Both deer will go around 110" to 120". Not much on aging deer until I look at the teeth.
  10. Go to photo post link and it'll explain what you need to know.
  11. Three inches off, I'll take it either way! LOL
  12. I'da kept him a secret too Clay! Congratulation to you on a fine outstanding buck!
  13. I've tried and had good results, but it was during the time the big boys were locked down with Does. I had a small 7 point come in ready to whip somethings butt. It was funny as heck, he was all fuzzed up and stiff legging it, worked on a few other small bucks but they didn't give me a show like the seven point did. I'm hoping it'll work for the biggun's this coming week with some rattling horn and a can mixed in.
  14. I'll go around 144 2/8" Beautiful buck and Congrats!
  15. I'll be up there south of you this Saturday Chris on my 6 day marathon. Glad to hear your having fun at it and that's the big part. Most hunters would think its a flop with not killing a deer, hang in there buddy it'll happen.
  16. I know Michael and David Blanton are both using them. I used one for a kill last year to just try them out, it put the deer down within 50 yards. However I wasn't to impressed with the entry hole. If I ever decided to strickly hunt with a mechanical I'd go with them, though.
  17. Great buck BM94! Looks like an awesome 8 point, just by looking at the photo I'd say he'll go around 120 to 130.
  18. Awesome buck JV! I think he'll go more than 140 probably closer to the mid 150's on the gross. Great buck any way you look at it congratulations again!
  19. The rut is in the bucks are on the move, plain and simple. I'v ehunted 500 yards from a buddy and didn't see a thing and he had deer all over him and vice versa. Bucks will lock down with does and travel great distances to find them. This time of the year its not uncommon to see bucks in and area that have been spotted ther before. I just saw on the Muzzy moment about a woman who shot a buck that a guy 10 miles down the road had all kind of pictures of from all season until the rut hit. Just hand in there they'll be back.