Straight Shooter

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Everything posted by Straight Shooter

  1. Re: Michelle\'s 06 buck Wow! You can't beat that with a stick. Tell her congratulations!
  2. Re: Bohning Blazer No, don't use acetone on the blazers. They are all ready treated with an adhesive, Just add the glue a stick them to the arrows. Makre sure you prep the arrows properly, though.
  3. Re: What Cell Service do you use? Verizon
  4. Re: This gave me goose bumps! I thought it was pretty cool.
  5. Re: Where do you live? Out of town on 1 acre of land on the side of a mountain in a small housing development.
  6. Re: Peep to sight?? [ QUOTE ] One bad thing about it is somtimes when it gets dark you cant see the pins very well [/ QUOTE ] Hence the larger diameter hole.
  7. Re: broadhead ? Show him the light, Finn! LOL I'm not a big mech. fan, but love those Muzzy's. As for mech.-heads, I would recommend a head that the blades slide rearward instead of rolling back. Sevral of these types of heads on the market, Snyper XP3, Tekan II, Rage, Satelite Dead Ringers, are few.
  8. Re: I need some Ideas I like Rangers idea! LOL Just kiding. It's kind of hard to say with it being cold, my sons 9th birthday was in July so that was a no brainer. Lots of water guns, to many water ballons and swimming trunks, also one 40" long inflateable bounce and slide. I don't think that'll be appropriate for you. What about an indoor amuzement park? We got a place called Fun Depot-batting cages, un-countable games, put-putt, rock climbing, and lazer tag arena. Get some fuse beads in the craft section of Wal-mart. These are awesome and take up lots of time and keeps their attention. They have templates and can make all kinds of figures. Once they have the figures made then Mom gets to iron them in wax paper sheets, melting the beads together. It's cool and pretty cheap entertainment. If you want some pictures of the things my kids have done an idea of what I'm talking about, let me know. My 9 and 11 year old still work with these beads daily, I'm telling you it'll comsume their attention.
  9. Re: Elephant\'s amazing memory Ya think? Ouch!
  10. Re: This gave me goose bumps!
  11. Re: finnally got a biggun Cool, and good luck to you. Let us know what the score comes out to on yours, I'm curious.
  12. Re: Good Sunday! Congratulations to you! Sounded like a great hunt.
  13. Re: Peep to sight?? I'm using the Fletcher Tru peep with Copper John sights. My hunting peep I 've drilled out to 5/32" for better visibility at dawn and dusk, my other two peeps are the standard hunter peeps (3/8") and all three line up great onthe orange ring of the sights. I love the innovation of that telling me if I'm torqueing my bow. I'd say most round peeps will do the same ith most sight that have a 2" or bigger sight cage guard.
  14. I thought this would be great the users that didn't know and I was one of them until I was doing a school project on Portugal of all places, and Chirstmas. I did know about the Shepard Pole, but the other reason for the candy cane I didn't. It made me feel good inside, since I love candy canes so much, this might give those candy canes lover a better idea. ENJOY What is the legend of the candy cane? According to legend there was a candy maker who wanted to invent a candy that was a witness to Christ. The result was the candy cane. First of all he used a hard candy because Christ is the rock of ages. He shaped it so that it would resemble either a "J" for Jesus or a shepherd's staff. He made it white to represent the purity of Christ. Finally a red stripe was added to represent the blood Christ shed for the sins of the world and three thinner red stripes for the wounds he received when the Roman soldiers whipped him. Sometimes a green stripe is added as a reminder that Jesus is a gift from God. The flavor of the cane is peppermint, which is similar to hyssop. Hyssop is in the mint family and was used in the Old Testament for purification and sacrifice. Jesus is the pure Lamb of God come to be a sacrifice for the sins of the world. So the next time you see a candy cane, hear the sermon it preaches: Jesus Christ, the Good Shepherd, is the sinless rock of ages who suffered and died for our sins.
  15. Re: are they legal? Either are legal in NC.
  16. Re: Does Bill Jordan a member on this forum? Psyche, did I scare ya? LOL I'd hat to break my streak of not banning someone Canadian Goose. I'm just not that mean! LOL
  17. Re: sanilac county chicken hunting Two CSS Challengers and a Martin Slayer Extreme.
  18. Re: sanilac county chicken hunting Red and Grey fox, armadilo, skunks, chipmunks, grouse, rabbits,squirrels, muskrat, groundhogs,and few other varmits . I love bowhunting.
  19. Re: Does Bill Jordan a member on this forum? He's banned I don't put up with nonsense like that! I did it I did it, I banned my first member! Haaaaaaaaa it feels good, who next?
  20. Re: Mmmmmmmmmmmmm! Talk about not nice, I've still got 15 tenderloins left and 16 sweet meat to go also. MMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!! Eat up DU, I'll be thinking of you later this winter. LOL
  21. Re: Bohning Blazer 82 yards? is that not just a tad out of bow range? I know you've got to take longer shots at antelope but I've not heard of yardages like that. Seems to be out of effective bow range as far as energy hitting the animal. What kind of poundage are you shooting for that distance? I know this is a different subject than the blazer vanes, but please inform me on this. PM me what ever.
  22. Re: finnally got a biggun Let me tell you something, most of us will go a lifetime and not kill a deer of that quality. Losing a big buck contest is nothing to be disappointed about. I'd stick that deer in a heart beat if walked by me. Kudo's to you on a fine buck!
  23. Re: Why different colored vanes? It's all in the shooters preference on fletching colors. I use all white with a white nock, for visability purposes. You just can't beat watching the white fletchings bury in the side and disappear on a deer. The odd color vane is primarily used to nocking purposes, to me, it can either go on one fo two ways. One of which is the right way, if it's wrong you'll figure it out quick.
  24. Re: Help Me Out Beverage huggy! I don't think it'll fit around a pineapple drink though! LOL
  25. Re: Maybe a new record! Hmmmmm, sounds like a challenge, TG. LOL I've got to get my son's GI Joe's out now and 17 HMR. Picture coming soon! LOL