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Jeramie last won the day on October 9 2014

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About Jeramie

  • Birthday 07/09/1976


  • First Name
  • Location
    Locust Grove, OK
  • Gender
  • Occupation
    Sales/ Project manager, Combustion Field
  • Interests
    hunting, fishing, archery, fitness, nature, horses, writing, art (pencil, pastel, water color, airb
  • user_name_impex

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Monster Buck

Monster Buck (7/7)



  1. I haven't been on in forever. I started a new last year. Between life and that I haven't had any down time. I have been on the road and in the air a lot too. Mostly good but far too busy! How has life been treating everyone?
  2. We are back and forth.. yesterday we had almost 20 mile an hour winds and it was in the 70's all day. Today we are back in the 50's. It will NEVER make its mind up! The deer are all messed up. The good news is the ducks have moved in and stayed in. Ive only been once but need to get out. I have been seeing hundreds of Mallard.
  3. Yesterday afternoon, 85.... current temp in Tulsa 35. Welcome to Okieland. Supposed to be COLD all week. Im happy. Im seeing bucks chasing hard, ducks should push in too.
  4. So I got the wife into duck/ dove hunting last year and she had a BLAST! She is all great guns now. Im thinking about picking up a 1080 camera for hunting. I, at first, was going to throw down a grand on a camera but have decided to see how this season goes first. Ive never filmed hunting so it could go either way. Im now thiking more like a Sony Handicam or something for the $250 - 300 range. Low light will happen as most ducks we shoot at are coming in as soon as you can see 10' away. Battery life and expandable (digitial only) memory would be great too. Need the best bang for the buck. I plan on hunting pheasant early next year in Kanasas so this will very much be multi-use. I really need something with a zoom so that leaves out GoPro. Ideas? Thoughts?
  5. Im ready for that Shaun. We had a blast of cold over the weekend. Work up and it was 25 at the house. Yesterday was cool too but the wind was HIGH. Now we have moderate temps all week and rain. We need rain bad so im happy to see it. By Friday we could see 1" - 3"
  6. Yep... I cant stand time changes. Now it will be dark by the time I make it home to feed all of our critters, take the trash to the end of the drive, etc. Annoys me to to no end. As the old saying goes, only Government would think you can cut a foot off the end of a blanket and sew it to the other end to make the blanket longer.
  7. That is beautiful! Nice work Ross.
  8. We have a high in the low 50's now for tomorrow, 75 for today. Friday night/ Saturday morning we are now looking at the high 20's! Yep, hard freeze.... Here it comes baby!
  9. The feeder decoy should be in from amazon any day. I bought a higdon pulsator. I also bought a Baby Mojo that was on sale at BP for $78.00. And... I bought a new Mossberg 835 and a half dozen full body goose decoys. Should make for a good season! Looking for additional shells right now too.
  10. Yep, if it were me I would go with a standard Modified for timber hunting with a #2 steel shot. I do that for our ponds. Most shots are easily within 40 yards and it is a deadly combo. For turkey you can pick up a cheap Truglo turkey choke in full or extra full. They are in the $25 range and work fine.
  11. Yeah, they are saying 40's in tulsa so closer to the house it will be cooler. I will be out with the smoke pole on Saturday and possibly Sunday. We actually had thunderstorms this morning early.
  12. Yeah they were but WAY out of my budget! Love the Damascus. They are by far my favorite...
  13. We have been all over the place in terms of weather. That is pretty typical but gets old. We finally have a cold front blowing in tonight and another later this week. Over the weekend our muzzle loader season opened but it was 86 and windy on Saturday and 87 and windy on Sunday. I didnt get out at all. The temps are supposed to drop to a high of 71 tomorrow and then another front hits on Thursday making it a COLD weekend.... im looking forward to the cold weekend. Makes for much better hunting. Leaves are starting to really change. So how is the weather in your area?
  14. Ive thought about trying the high end shot but wow.. the price tag! Until I have some serious range I will likely just stick to the Winchester cheap'O shot. It kills them dead too. Typically I have ducks in my face so a 20 yard shot is pretty regular.