It's been forever since I showed my mug around here and a lot of you never met or don't remember me, but I have a long history here and a lot of you do remember me. According to my profile it has been over 3 years since my last post, so I Guess there is a lot of catching up to be done.
I suppose the biggest news is I met the greatest girl in the world and we are getting married on May 4. I honestly have no idea what she sees in me, but I'm glad she sees it.
If you remember, I had gotten really burnt out on hunting, so I hung up my bow for a while. Well, today I pulled it back out and shot for the first time in probably 5 years, with the expected rust. It didn't take too long until I was getting back in the groove.
Well, there is a lot more and I'll get to all that in time. Don't want to say everything right now. Just know that I am alive and doing very well.