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About remington870

  • Birthday 06/02/1973


  • Location
    Medina, OH
  • Occupation
  • Interests
    hunting, hockey
  • user_name_impex
    Scott Naselsky

remington870's Achievements


4-Pointer (2/7)



  1. nothing new to report here. I have shot 2 does this year so far and i have a weekend of shotgun left 4 muzzleloader days left and i have until the beginning of February to bow hunt. However, work is not letting me get to the woods right now to get me my buck. Will let you know if i get a chance and succeed!
  2. well i shot another doe today and still have the rest of this week off to try to get a buck or even another doe. will let you know if the next one has horns.
  3. i smoked a doe the other day, will post the pictures in a few days. Then today i videotaped my buddy smoking a doe of his own! In the last two weeks we have shot 9 deer between the 5 of us that stick together and 11 for the year so far. I still have a few more days of vacation to try to get my big boy just too bad it seems that rut has not really kicked it into high gear yet. Will check back with the pics in a few days.
  4. well, i missed a 10 pt the other day, it happened on a quick drive. he came out of the corn and i took the shot at 25 but somehow went over his back. i have to work tomorrow but then i am off for a week to do nothing but hunt. hopefully i will get my buck under my belt for the season.
  5. been seeing deer but none in range, i passed two small bucks that were in range though but can't get a doe to come in close. I did take a shot at a coyote but did not connect, will be heading out this evening.
  6. passed a 5 pt last night, will be out tonight after this front moves through today, seems to be the best time for me in the past going out after a rain.
  7. present, hunt in ohio season starts sept 29, will check in every once in a while but i dont get on every day.
  8. sure makes waiting until season starts tough when this walks by less than a hundred yards from the house.
  9. remington870 34 sept 29 - first sunday of february ohio
  10. here are some more pictures from some bucks from last year. as you can see genetics are pretty good for these woods!
  11. well to the best of my ability through blowing these photos up and asking friends opinions I feel all three of these deer are the same deer. If you notice on the ear it has a notch in it in all 3 deer. If it is indeed the same deer that would mean that this bugger gained 100 inches of antler in one season. The first photo is from 9-11-06, the second and third are from 6-23-07, and the forth and fifth are from 7-25-07.