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About WABS

  • Birthday 05/09/1957


  • Location
    Arlington, VA
  • Occupation
    DoD Civilian
  • Interests
    golf, hunting, fishing
  • Biography
    21 years in the Army. Been retired since Nov 1996 and now work as a Government Civilian.<br />Been h
  • user_name_impex
    Dave Wabeke

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8-Pointer (4/7)



  1. Thanks guys! This will be my first AR and the first one I've shot since leaving the Army in '96 ;-) Looking forward to it!
  2. Absolutely love the Nikon Monarch as well...have 2 on other rifles already. Any recommendations for a scope mount?
  3. Waiting to get my RR LAR8 A4
  4. Guys I just picked up a RR LAR8 A4 and would be interested in what to top it with optics wise. Any suggestions? I'll be doing a little deer hunting with it and some coyote hunting.
  5. Great bird! Congrats!
  6. WABS

    walmart guns

    The other issue with Walmart selling guns is that you better know what you're looking for because the folks they have that work the sporting goods area aren't necessarily versed in weapons and ammunition. Had to step in one day when a customer was trying to ask the clerk about the numbers on a box of shotgun shells and what did they mean. The clerk didn't have the faintest clue.
  7. Picked up the shotgun from my FFL yesterday and it looks great. Always wanted an old SxS 12 gauge. Can't wait to take it out and shoot it.
  8. Over 10 years ago now when I was really getting serious about muzzle loading Rich "Bluelk" Dunkirk showed me just how little I knew. What a great source of information and knowledge he was. I thank him in my prayers every chance I get.
  9. You know it always reminds me of that commercial where they go through the cost of something: Equipment $$ Airfare $$$ License $$$ Outfitter $$$$ Smile on my son's face "Priceless" The Outfitter I used "NW Montana Outfitters" has a discount for youth hunters -- they're free with a paying adult. Just pay for their license (MT also promotes youth hunting with a youth license at a much reduced cost). It was definitely worth every penny.
  10. Congratulations!! Can't wait to see the pictures when you get back!
  11. The beard on this gobbler was real thick and grey in color, just 4 inches long and almost straight across the bottom like it had been cut with a scissors. http://www.realtree.com/forums/members/wabs-albums-wabs-hunting-fishing-picture3511-daves-first-turkey-me-left-my-turkey-master-buddy-garrett-right.jpg
  12. Well last Friday, after 53 years, I finally went on my first turkey hunt and at 1000 connected with my first ever turkey. Kind of raining on us and he came in behind us VERY quiet. Took my shot at 35 yards and he was mine. Thought it was a Jake initially because his beard was only about 4 inches short, but when I went to pick him up he had 1 1/8 inch spurs digging into my hand. Something must of caused his beard to break off. It won't be my last turkey hunt I can tell you that!!
  13. Just getting back involved with the RT forums after an extended absence (I have no excuse). Took my son on a successful elk/deer hunting trip to NW MT last November. My son turns 16 next month and even though I never took a shot the entire week, it was the most satisfying and enjoyable hunt of my life. Spending a week with your son/daughter in the field is got to be something close to heaven. My son shot a nice cow elk (410 yards) and a no brow tine 3x3 whitetail. What a great week!! If I can remember how to post pictures here I'll get some pictures posted.
  14. Been away from the RT forum for awhile -- good to be back. Purchased a J. Stevens Model 335 SxS and was wondering if anyone had any info on the gun. Been looking for an old 12 gauge SxS for quite some time when my buddy showed me his Dad's old Stevens SxS and I decided it was time to get serious. Planned to have it looked at by a gunsmith when I get it, because I'd like to be able to do some dove shooting and maybe some skeet with it.
  15. I found the website -- http://www.intergate.com/~cvernon1/SafeShell/index.html Just ordered one for my .357