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Everything posted by wtnhunt

  1. Good luck Jeff. I might start trying for TN elk in the near future, but dunno.
  2. Sad to see the current cycles, some shifting of natural patterns would sure help alleviate some of the problems. Middle of the country being inundated with water and west so dry. Been kind of dry here the past month or so, went from way above average rainfall in the late winter early spring to the spigot being shutoff. Ground was too muddy to do anything then got hot and dry. Was hotter in May than it has been in June so far too.
  3. None out here yet. Planning on getting one out soon.
  4. Some nice shots there Dave. Thanks for sharing with us.
  5. While unlikely, I have to wonder if buzzards, or other means of non human transport might be possible. Could be. Seems a more likely possibility. Tennessee also had strict laws regarding transport of cervids from known cwd states. The regs state that no bone is allowed in, meat has to be clean away from bone. Now inside the state, animals from cwd zones are not allowed to be transported out of those zones into non cwd zones. Definitely will be interesting to see how things play out this fall/winter. I am anticipating that more areas will be included in the cwd zones. As more deer are tested, there is a good chance it is more widespread that they acknowledge. I guess we will find out about getting our deer tested to be on the safe side. Last year for the first time ever TN had a "velvet" archery only hunt in August. They have made it so that in the cwd zones for the upcoming season that hunt will include the use of muzzleloaders. The county to the south of us is in the cwd zone. Sad thing is you have your lazy jacklegs that bait regardless of the regs. They have been getting away with it, and unless the state adds more manpower and gets more serious about prosecuting violators I don't see that activity changing. TN has been putting out more and more information, with the more recent suggestion that bucks are more likely to carry cwd than does and the older the buck the more likely it is he may have the disease. Given we typically hunt for the oldest bucks we know are in our area, definitely need to know how/where we get them tested before our season starts. Also has me kind of curious about the deer we have in our freezer now.
  6. Good luck with the new job Tim. Looks like some outside work for me over the weekend. Our garden this year is sad, major downsizing and still has been neglected. I keep threatening to not plant one. Have probably 4 hours worth of other yardwork, mowing and cleaning up to do. Have several spots I need to hit with roundup, noticed the nasty ivy growing in some new spots around the yard that the kids walk barefooted. Our car is due for an oil change too. Probably be plenty of other odds and ends stuff. Supposed to be not quite as hot here, would like to do some shooting, dunno if time will permit.
  7. No kidding. TN went from what they said was NO cases in 2017-18 to I think 90 some odd confirmed positive cases this past winter. Think our wildlife folks missed catching cases with early testing, because there is no way it just got here and infected that many deer across 5 counties in under one years time. CWD is spread multiple ways, but based on what most biologists say it is spread primarily from prions that may remain in the ground indefinitely. Salivary contact is supposed to be a very fast route for spread and cwd zones in most states they implement feeding and mineral bans. Of course deer by nature will hit signposts and leave glandular and saliva behind. Appears our state is going with the proactive approach and planning on killing off a lot of deer in the counties where the disease exists. While our new handbooks and 2019-20 regs are not out yet the new regs just came out for the cwd zones, gonna be interesting to see over the next few years how things go.
  8. Does seem early for hearing about those conditions. Hope they get the fires under control, and some shifting winds carry the smoke away from you.
  9. Been using a masterbuilt electric for probably close to 20 years Ross. On my second one, just got a new one last year before Christmas I actually liked the one I had before this one better for ease of use and cleaning, but this new one I got does have a lot bigger capacity. I wish I had this bigger one when I cooked for my daughter's wedding, could have done all the shoulders at one time. Just be sure to pay attention to your meat thermometer and try not to overcook stuff. My new unit has a meat thermometer built in, not sure how accurate it is. I will usually check with instant thermometer to confirm doneness. I usually brine my deer cuts in maple cure from cabelas and use pecan and or hickory. Most stuff I cook I run at 225.
  10. wtnhunt

    Property Dispute

    Midges, biting gnats, and no seeums are all the same I think. Have them here and they can be frustrating to say the least. Lately here the deer flies and the face flies have been relentless. Want to get cameras going again, but not in a rush. Midges are the carrier for blue tongue and ehd.
  11. Sorry to hear about your brother in law Dave. Hope your brother recovers. Prayers on the way. Our kids last day of school was Tuesday. We took off Thursday morning early and went to Santa Claus Indiana to Holiday World, spent Thursday doing the water park rides, then Friday to the rest of the park and came back home. Mowed the yard earlier today and drove t posts for our tomato plants. Gone from wet and muddy here to hot and dry. Did a little prep stuff to get ready to get the old liner out of our pool, will try to get it drained the rest of the way tomorrow and get the old liner out. Catrina has to work Monday, so no special plans.
  12. Think I would try something like that on steaks before trying it on backstraps. But yeah let us know how it turns out Ross.
  13. Congratulations Dave. Way to go with adjusting and getting it done.
  14. wtnhunt

    Property Dispute

    Good luck with it Frank. Shame it has turned in that direction. One thing I would be certain to do is to take many pics of the fence in question. If it has not been kept up and is not in a straight line, think you have a strong case for arguing the fence is not a maintained structure that follows the deed. Unfortunately no way you can know how long the guy has kept the fence.
  15. Yep, cook indirect on gas after searing and use a wood box directly over one of the burners, can get some real good flavor. Just did burgers last night with mesquite and a few pieces of charcoal in the box. Don't think I could ever justify the expense of a big green egg. That being said, with your metal skills Ross, surprised you have not made a home made cooker. No experience with pellet grills, like the idea of being able to use chunks of wood with anything wood burning since we have no shortage of hickory available. No idea for a brand suggestion, but would stay away from the uniflame stuff that walmart sells.
  16. Sorry to hear this Joe. Prayers on the way for you and your family.
  17. wtnhunt


    Hmmm, poster posted this from korea, figured it was spam before even looking at the thread. Cut and paste........... With that all being said, yeah the above content seems a person with common sense should see how far out of touch with reality the left is.
  18. wtnhunt


    Skeeters been very bad here this year already, and the gnats or whatever or face flies or whatever they are have been ridiculous. Maybe some of the local yote population will be hit with heartworms, but doubt it. Not had any ticks on me yet, but our dogs have picked up a few, to be expected really. My mom gave us a few avon skin so soft wipes that had picardin in them, those seem to work pretty well for deer flies.
  19. Saturday is a parade day for our girls, so will be watching them march. Christina is bringing the baby over to visit Saturday afternoon and have other company also supposed to be coming, so will likely not get much done. Will need to mow sometime this weekend if it is dry enough. Need to figure out what I am doing with our 20+ year old above ground pool that is almost all the way drained. It needs a new liner, a new skimmer, new pump, sand redone, and probably more. May be time to just be done with it. Hate throwing money into it at this point.
  20. Could not see the link, took me to a facebook dead end, but the knife in the pic looks like an interesting piece.
  21. wtnhunt

    What if?

    Still have animals on our place, am outside working with the cows and keeping up our property, so pretty simple answer here for this on me. Yes. Have actually gotten into more other aspects of managing more recently with learning to trap and expanding from conibear/water kill traps I have been running for beaver for a few years now to land sets for yotes. Guess in a way it is in my blood. I never got to hunt with any of my family though with losing my dad when I was only 2. My grandfather was pretty big into fly fishing, a story I was told by a distant cousin about 20 years ago was that he fished with Lawrence Welk, I cannot verify that though. My aunt gave me some old turkey calls she said belonged to my grandfather years ago. Grandfather passed when I was 9 and did not really get to get close to him. My dad and his sisters were all pretty outdoorsy and into camping and boating and from what I was told of my father he liked to hunt and fish, and was a licensed scuba diver as well. Grew up being drug to lake Mead as a kid by my aunt(dad's oldest sister), would take a load of us kids out on her boat and then camping. Then later mom and my step dad would take us out boating regularly. Wish I could afford and justify a boat, great times I look back on. Still garden too. Don't have, to but nice to see the end result after putting in the work.
  22. When prepping to send my oldest and wife to Alaska to hunt 10 years ago I was assured that the .270 with 150 grain corelokts would be effective on black bear. Personally have no experience hunting bears but all I have been told and read on them echo what you say here that they are not difficult to kill. Have had a couple 700's and even done trigger jobs on them and never had a failure here either. Unfortunately only takes a few idiots to smear a company and risk loss of life by poor choices.
  23. Kinda surprised by the complaint on corelokts. While I know deer are not the same as a bear, had great results with 150 grain corelokts from a .270 on deer. Killed a lot of deer with 150 grain corelokts, never lost a single one. I reload now, but would not be afraid to take my old .270 with 150 grain corelokts for any animal the .270 is suitable for.
  24. Sure you will enjoy it Ross. Should be some fine eating.