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Everything posted by wtnhunt

  1. I know he read my email, or at least he replied to it, but don't know if he ever read this thread or not. Speculating whether Scott has any dealings or knowledge into this is just that, speculating. Maybe he passed it along to someone else or maybe he has forgotten with other stuff going on. Dunno, someone on facebook that is friends with Tim Andrus might message him and get him to see if he can get any insight from the folks at realtree. As far as the business end of things, honestly kind of doubt it would be much if different anywhere else. Big enough money comes along and offers a deal or in this case wants a licensing agreement and you don't take, the next company in line likely will. Sure if anyone dug enough they could find mossy oak with some questionable agreements/dealings as well. Thankfully this forum has continued and hope it does despite any of this. Still a lot of really good people here even though they may not post so much anymore.
  2. wtnhunt

    What would you do?

    Think you handled it just the right way, give him an opportunity to get back with you. John may be on vacation, or mail may be like our mail often is and may not have gotten to him or maybe delayed. Only other thing I might try to do would be to find a number for him, tough to do these days, but not impossible. Good to be proactive. Ideally you will meet the guy under good circumstances and be able to have a good standing, unfortunately that does not always work out. Chances are if he has been hunting on what is now your land and on others without permission and he knows he has been trespassing then you may have some issues with him. On the other hand, maybe someone had given him permission prior and he had not removed his stands yet, or maybe there had been some question on the lines. Have heard this before, think giving farmer "John" the opportunity to get his stands back is the right thing to do and will leave you with a better opportunity for a decent relationship with your neighboring landowner. By doing what you can to do what you think is right you will know if things are or go sour it is not due to anything you have done.
  3. Our 17 year old daughter has her senior prom, so will be taking some outdoor pics Saturday afternoon if the weather holds out. I might try a little listening/calling for turkeys Saturday morning depending on how wet it still is. Been a couple gobblers strutting in front of one of my cameras 2 of the last 10 days but at odd times. Probably need to do some walking anyway, finally getting pics of bucks that are dropping a side. Lots of odds and ends maintenance stuff to work on, car has an issue I need to work on, also needs the trans fluid changed. Need to run new wiring for lights for my stock trailer. Need to fill a few more feed bags with sand and add to our dam I built, working great but water has started working around the sides. Hopefully will dry out enough to get a little trackhoe in soon and get the sand out of the actual channel so the water quits cutting soil off our ground. Have 2 ladder stands left that I never pulled I need to get down.
  4. Have a great time and a safe trip Ross.
  5. wtnhunt

    What is this?

    Just a thought, but maybe someone planned on using a section of pipe for a culvert, and that was just part they did not use? Being so close to the creek, might make sense, maybe?
  6. That is weird. So your blocks just shifted? Good thing your line was not damaged.
  7. wtnhunt

    What is this?

    Dunno for sure, maybe some type of industrial pipe joint?
  8. lol. I was Martin, they kept screwing up the sets and cannot catch a yote when there is a possum in the trap. Guess I was just trying to see a bright side. Yotes are legal here year round but probably gonna pull the traps, and next year will definitely run some sets with just lure and no bait.
  9. For what it is worth, getting rid of the disease carrying possums is a good thing. These are nuisance animals that cause damage and losses, epm is deadly for horses. Have yet to catch my first yote, hopefully next season will have better luck.
  10. I can see Dave's points, but agree also with a lot of what Anthony says. Forgiving/forgetting a wrong of the magnitude of traitor jane in my book is impossible to do. We had soldiers giving all for her to have her rights. She fully well knew what she was doing. My dad was a Vietnam veteran, he passed in 1971 in an accident a couple years after being out of the service. My step father was also a Vietnam veteran, I knew as a kid, at probably 6 or 7 years old, that jane fonda was not liked in our household and can remember some comments about "traitor jane". In my opinion kapernick is a turd. His protest in my opinion did not start with intents of being anti american, it is that he allowed that narrative to evolve and not set the record straight that irritated me and the fact that he continued even after he knew that people saw his kneeling as an insult to our flag and all it stands for. Supposedly his reason/rationale for kneeling was to bring attention to the problem with innocent black men being shot by cops. With his platform as an nfl qb he could have found a much better way to get his message across than dishonoring the flag even though I do not believe that was his initial intention. It was just a bad way to draw attention to a cause by disrespecting the flag. He went about it all wrong, however he got more attention than he probably ever thought he would. All the bandwagon nfl players who took their knees rather than salute the flag that followed suit and not standing and saluting our flag were just as bad of figures as kapernick. These players knew that a large number of people in this country were taking their kneeling as disrespect and yet they continued rather than find another way. Nike capitalizing on kapernick and the nfl's players acts of disrespect are low. As Dave points out the licensing agreement allows the user to use the pattern, may not be any more to the story than that, just business and making money with no other shared interests, and doubt there is any link to the turd. I don't think by realtree allowing the use of their pattern that they are necessarily selling out, but sure would be nice to hear from someone at realtree for some insight. I did email Scott a link to this thread when I first posted, maybe he will see it tomorrow and either post here or have someone post. We are all different and have different perspectives and opinions and different situations that hit us harder. To what point you go with boycotting products, whether to hold realtree responsible for kapernick's actions due to their affiliation with nike, well that is up to you.
  11. Have a couple sets in for yotes in the sand in the bottom, had them with 1 inch schedule 40 pipe for the bait(pipe dream sets). Think my locations are good, has been a lot of canine traffic in the area, problem is I keep catching possums. Using night latched #2's with a pretty light pan. Hate to set a heavier tension on the traps, not sure doing so would stop from catching possums. I was using old chunks of nasty rotten deer for bait in the pipe and caven's yodel dog for a lure. I have since removed the bait and gone to just lure. Have a few other places I can set, but a little apprehensive because our own dog wanders to those areas. Any tips, advice?
  12. No clue on this one Anthony, sounds like a good topic for Scott or someone from Ga to do some splaining on. But yes, totally agree with where you are coming from on nike and kapernick.
  13. Good luck to Evan. Just had a round of thunderstorms with gulleywashers come through, get much more tomorrow and critters might be pushed to higher ground, hmmm...... Our regular turkey season opens here tomorrow and looking like the weather is not gonna be too nice here either. Windy and stormy. That being said, if it is nasty in the morning like it is supposed to be, I might just get out right after it breaks if it does, and see if I might get lucky with a longbeard in a foodplot. Snakes are very active here right now, walked up on a couple cottonmouths ready to strike last weekend, luckily saw them before getting too close. Wife has nursery duty at church, gonna predict everything outside will still be too wet to do much outside Sunday but might get out walking and look for some sheds.
  14. Nice birds. Congratulations to both of you.
  15. Yep, penalty box for Tim. lol I have been doing a lot of walking. Have a few traps out still, yote sets. No luck yet. Found the first shed ever on our property back at the end of February. Little guy had just dropped it. Shed was within feet of where the deer I killed this past season dropped when I shot him. Still have cams out, deer last pull mostly had their antlers still on their heads. I had just checked a camera and said to myself there have to be some sheds around here, why don't I ever find them. I had only found one in Tennessee before this one on the neighboring property. Turkey season opens here this weekend, supposed to have storms Saturday. I have a lot of tc pics of some nice toms and a load of jakes coming by my cam inconsistently and at odd times. I hunt our farm as landowner and don't have to pay anything to hunt so honestly dunno if I will even try. If we had more ground to get after them I might be more inclined to try. Finally and most exciting is that we are expecting our first grandchild(girl) in less than a month.
  16. Looks like your taxidermist did a nice job. Congrats again.
  17. Shoulder mount. Think we decided on a sneak pose. Allison asked me about 2 weeks ago if I thought the mount would be ready yet. lol.
  18. Pretty cool. Don't think we have any around here, seems like they are supposed to be in this area though.
  19. I will try to come back and read that Dave, but without reading, I am very aware of the direction things are going. We live in a society today where everything has become too pc and too sensitive. Our daughters are 23, 17 and 13, and our son is 7. So a millennial and our other kids are gen z I think they call it. My own children and the influences they are pressured with are ridiculous. I have had some good conversations with my son in law on how his college experience and the influences he was subjected to at the university of Tennessee in Knoxville. The expectations kids are given and with the left leaning so far into social programs that these kids THINK plays into their favor. My son in law is a smart kid, got his chemical engineering degree, but much like so many of these kids he is very ignorant to how the world works. He liked what burnie sanders was spewing and was actually going to vote for him, I mean what is not to like when "free college" and "free healthcare" are the premise of their campaign promises. I honestly don't think kids should vote until they have had some years of working and been tax payers who get to see where their paycheck goes. Once they have worked a few years and see the first 30-35 percent of their pay going to the government for them to spend frivolously they may have a different take on life and how they wish to vote. These kids go off to college, and often times end up with therapists telling them how they are not responsible for their issues. There is no accountability. Kids are made to believe that mommy and daddy screwed up raising them because they were too tough on them or that society dealt them a bad hand and they are somehow due some special circumstances for whatever the reason. I question why so many campuses have either free therapists services or low cost therapy services they give to these kids. I think this is where a lot of the "snowflake" issue is coming in. What in the world are these therapists doing to our kids. Why are they even there? It is too easy for kids today to not like something and place blame elsewhere rather than accept that they are responsible for their actions. We as a society have become too soft. How that is resolved is beyond me, but I fear for the following generations. When the mindset is what it is for so many millions of young people, what does that mean for those who will be behind them and for their children. Social media is evil. It is tough being a parent in this day and age and trying to guide your kids in the right direction with all the liberal influence and misinformation they rapidly find on the internet. Example: pop stars like taylor swift who once were good role models and others who now have gotten political given very bad advice filled with misinformation to young girls and all kids for that matter. My oldest 2 daughters, both of who will be voting next election believe Marsha Blackburn, our state senator, is anti woman all because of crap they have read on the internet. It is her anti abortion views that has earned Marsha Blackburn an unfair view by some as being unfavorable to women. Trying to reason with them about voting records and what they mean is pointless. Sad thing is they tend to believe things that are far from fact and trying to educate them at times is like beating your head against a wall. What boggles my mind is that my kids when you talk to them do have values consistent with a conservative Christian mindset, but when you start talking about rights and issues we face today, they seem to lean towards the "accept everything" more liberal type mindset. Yes, schools and today's society have made subjects like homosexuality popular and if you do not accept it as "ok" and support giving them "rights" or however they think you should, then kids view you as being intolerant. Very sad. Seems planting seeds sometimes works, you can talk with them and try your best to educate them with hopes they will later on figure it out "on their own". Have to have some hope.
  20. Congratulations to you and your family Shaun. Expecting our first grandchild very soon here, due date April 20.
  21. Kids on spring break. A lot of spring clean up stuff here yesterday, had to worm cows, was an awesome spring day yesterday wish we got more days like yesterday. Rain today, nothing planned but probably get some inside chores done.
  22. With so many variants, either of those out of the box has the ability to be very accurate without having to buy anything else. Most will have adjustable triggers. My 700 varmint stainless fluted .308 is probably my most accurate bolt gun in my hands. Those 2 you mentioned would be my personal top picks, but if your buddy has to have a different brand he may want to check out tikka or bergara. Most rifles are capable of being plenty accurate enough for hunting if the shooter takes the time to get comfortable with their gun and find what rounds the gun likes best.
  23. wtnhunt


    Have had bad shoulders for a good while, think it stemmed from the abuse between lifting in my younger years and work. Bursitis and rotator cuff issues. I shot my bow at 70 lbs for a long time, I can still draw the bow without it hurting me without any problem, however the doctor strongly suggested not shooting a compound anymore. I don't know if TN has really seen all that much of a rise in harvest during archery since it made it legal to use a crossbow during the archery season. I have not killed anything with the crossbow I bought, just never seem to get decent deer to show up during our archery season.
  24. Back years ago, sure that happened on a regular basis back before states began trying to manage game. In today's world, that scenario likely would make for that person getting a handout. Honestly the system so many live on today was designed to help people get back on their feet and not be a way of life, guess to me that sounds like an excuse to do something illegal. I know a lot of people give meat to hunters for the hungry, and had in the past heard of processors that would have unclaimed meat. I am not a waterfowl hunter, have never been and never tried despite having ducks and geese around here regularly in the fall/winter. From some of the conversations I have had with our game warden about the shooting we hear around here, I think our warden frowns heavily on unplugged guns. I guess that is an unfair advantage that allows them to take more shots and likely kill ducks they might not otherwise take. I mean from what I have seen when you have a group of waterfowl committed it is usually multiple birds. It is still cheating in my opinion. It is the same guys that engage in that type activity that will bait where it is not legal. If someone is doing something with the intent that they are knowingly doing wrong and hoping they can get away with it, that is unethical.
  25. Should be a pretty weekend for a change, plenty to do around here. Wife is having a baby shower for our oldest daughter, Christina, tomorrow. Our first grandchild is due April 20 so getting close. Not sure if our son in law is coming with Christina or not, but I will be outside doing something while all the ladies are here. Don't know if I will get to it this weekend or not but going to try to sandbag a spot to divert the water flow back where it belongs in one channel using feedbags. Have 15-20 feed bags to fill with sand that has been washed into the channel from the floods, not sure how it will go but nothing to lose but my time and fuel. I need to rent a medium sized excavator sometime soon after we get some dry weather and clean the channel out. Have some coyote traps I want to get out in the bottom. Have several limbs I need to cut, cleanup around the yard to get ready to start mowing. Might need to mow the weeds and wild onions next week if it is dry enough.