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Everything posted by wtnhunt

  1. Get emails from rt from time to time here, do not recall ever getting any from mossy oak. Honestly the stuff here locally I see from mossy oak I don't see anything that I believe would be as versatile for here as AP. Maybe that is why they are continuing to try to find something that works better? Dunno about the partnership or why rt has no booth at the nwtf this year, sure Tim would have some insight there. Used to be that he was always there along with others like David Blanton. Last time we went was I think in 2009 or 2010. Last few years it was in Nashville we missed going, I really enjoy visiting with some of the "pro's" and seeing some of the exhibits, but could care less about the wall to wall people.
  2. Goes totally against what they say they are "fighting" for, hypocrites. Shows they really are not interested in the environment.
  3. My timing seems to be off a lot. lol. But, think the last post Ben made in that thread was summer 2016 about 6 months or so ago.
  4. Turned out to be a great game once the atlanta secondary started getting watched and called for their holding and interference, they got away with a lot in the first half. Greatest comeback ever in a super bowl. A lot of credit to the pats defense in the second half too. Half time was the perfect time to head to the shower, missed the show.
  5. Last tc pull had bucks still carrying antlers here. I am always looking this time of year while I am around our property, but never found a single one on our ground. Couple years ago found a few on the county property next to the neighbor we used to have permission on.
  6. ODH in the signup thread posted that his season finishes up February the 5th and Abrown posted his closes the 15th of February. Will let them finish out and if nothing has changed we will post a thread for a tiebreaker vote.
  7. Thank you Shaun. I told her to recheck the firing order this will help her there for sure.
  8. What should we be looking to expect for her to have to pay for the relearn process, Shaun? She says it is running rough now, gets more rough as she increases engine speed, which to me sounds like could be they maybe did not get a plug wire right or the timing has gotten off. Had her disconnect the battery but she did not leave it long enough because it was still flashing the check engine light. Last time I talked with her she was disconnecting the battery again and going to leave it disconnected for 15-20 minutes.
  9. Nancy pelosi, is waaay out there, anyone seriously ever listen to the old bat for a minute or longer. About a minute is all I can take, she makes absolutely no sense in anything she says, kinda like "you want to know what is in the bill you have to pass the bill". Her ramblings sound like those of a deranged addict. Her kumbaya crap should have ended a long time ago, sad that any state can continue to re elect this type garbage, her and chuckie schumer need to quit obstructing the new administration that the American voters put in office and let them do the job they were elected to do. My serious thoughts are that those elected officials who are not participating and going to do the job they were elected to do need docked at the very least or just plain fired!!! Most employees who refuse to work do get fired, these elite jerks are so far out of touch with reality it is crazy.
  10. That is awesome Anthony. That is a great deer. Congratulations to her.
  11. George Clooney, nother Hollywood elitist! Was a fun song though.
  12. Nice pattern Don. What turkey load are you using with that setup?
  13. Not quite time yet, but figure it won't be too long since this thing is almost 2 years old. Where do you get yours taken care of, and how much is normal cost? Guessing I cannot use my pocket press for the limbs on this thing. Have a gander mountain store about 30 miles away that is an authorized retailer, however when I talked with barnett about an issue with the bolt retainer they wanted me to send it directly in to them. Not a gander mountain fan, but if they will do warranty work, would not rule out utilizing them and paying them for strings and cables when the time comes.
  14. Punks caught, a happy ending! Definitely a keeper you got there in Bowie, Ross. Gotta agree with Don, extra biscuits or treats for him.
  15. wtnhunt

    The Deer Detective

    During the rut 30 yards could about be in smelling distance if the wind was right. Another animal could have dragged it there from farther away. You never really know. Vegetation grown up on that fence row may have kept rats from finding it. I have watched a squirrel run with a deer jawbone in its mouth here. I looked around a little where the skull was from Catrina's and no other bones anywhere either. No doubt yotes will drag off pieces. I got to get motivated to get after the yotes here.
  16. wtnhunt

    The Deer Detective

    Sounds kind of familiar Frank, with the trail cam pics and the deer disappearing. As you may recall Catrina's 2015 encounter with a 9 point with the muzzleloader that we never found any blood on. Shame you all did not find it initially after the shot. How far did the skull end up from where you stopped looking? Congratulations to your son, that is a great deer especially to be taken by a kid and with a crossbow no less. Amazing that after that long that he was still that much intact, the rodents would have had it gnawed to nothing here.
  17. wtnhunt

    Chat Room

    Laptop is on the charger. Don't see a place for chat on my phone.
  18. Trump says we are gonna win win win so much we are all gonna be sick of winning. lol
  19. For deer hunting i like a 3-9 or comparable power range, most the rifles we hunt with have 3-9 scopes. That would be good for the .308. Personally i prefer Nikon optics, hard to beat them in their price ranges. Have a monarch 2.5-10 on my long range 308 and 4-12 pro staff on my other 308. On my 270 i most often deer hunt with is also a monarch in 3-9. Have several other Nikon scopes on most our other guns and been happy with them. I have not had any bad experience with Burris. They are good scopes, have a fullfield 2 3-9x40 on my primary varmint/yote rifle, not quite as bright in low light or as sharp as the Nikons but serves its purpose well. Vortex gets great reviews, may try them in the future but have had no first hand experience with them.
  20. Trump is claiming 3-5 million votes were cast illegally. Don't think his claim is far fetched at all. How many students did obama grant amnesty too, how many illegals were able to vote in western states with no form of id? No doubt in my mind the dems capitalized on those, to what extent who really knows. Why else have they fought so hard to keep those states from making it mandatory for voters to have a reasonable form of picture identification to be able to vote. I have voted at the same little small town community center for over 20 years. Same little old ladies in there. As long as i remember i have had to present my drivers license even though they know who i am.
  21. Yes, it was deny and rule out they were here despite trail cam pics, sightings and tracks for many years. They always ruled out trail cam pics as other animals or photoshops. Then a few years back they primed the public with an attempt at justifying the potential need for the lions as they were the only predator species once native to this area capable of helping with the pig problem but within that article still denied their existence. Their hand kind of became forced here. They had undeniable trail cam pics from a young man and then about a month or so later a boy shot and wounded one about 15 miles away from us about 30 miles from where the prior confirmed trail cam pics were taken. They then had hair and blood samples with which to dna test. There have since been a number of state confirmed pics and sightings.
  22. After many years of denying their existence here our state has finally acknowledged we have cougars here now, and we are smack dab between a number of confirmed sightings with our property bordering an old river channel that animals tend to travel along. They cover a lot of ground from what I understand though, so may not see a significant impact in one area. Congratulations again okstate on that 8, awesome deer.
  23. Crazy! Figure they will put Ellison in. Don't know how people don't see things for what they are. Of course the msm is attempting to tear Trump down even if it is with fictitious stories. Sad thing is in the process they are keeping alive obama's divisive attitude. Heard that clinton will be back for 2020, wouldn't surprise me. Old bag will never give up.
  24. wtnhunt

    Night shift

    Worked midnights part time at ups for a couple years when I was in my early 20's, then after a couple hours of sleep would go to school, then after school work a part time day job and go home and sleep a couple hours after that job. Had split sleep, kind of rough, don't know if that is a factor in the sleep problems I have now or not. Had a couple other jobs over the years working night shift and second shift. Worked second in a factory for about 5 years, was not too bad a shift but missed a lot of family time with my oldest daughter and did not get much sleep.
  25. Interesting that after 8 years of obama's "green" policies and the stricter epa regs, that pro liberal scientists are suggesting that global temps are at the highest levels on record with last year being the highest and putting mankind on the brink of a point of no return. Seems to me if these "green" policies were working that at some point in his 8 years that there would be some indication that this issue was improving. My thought, those scientists are engaging in fear tactics based on their own beliefs and manipulating data they collect. Still some of the warmest temps ever recorded were recorded many years ago. I maintain my own theory that the earth has undergone and is still undergoing cyclic changes and will do so until the time it is destroyed. The "natural" disasters occurring in this day and age are over exaggerated due to population in places they did not used to exist. Another obama failure either way. Others thoughts, opinions?