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About maytom

  • Birthday 09/27/1954


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  • Occupation
    Boiler operator
  • Interests
    Spring Turkey Hunting - Woodworking - Bowhunting
  • user_name_impex

maytom's Achievements


10-Pointer (5/7)



  1. Our season starts on May 1st, but look's like rain the entire week!!!
  2. Congrats on a real dandy!! Our season starts May 1st!!
  3. Thinking of trying something different this year. Been a diehard Mathew's shooter for the last 20 years now (only 2 bows) and seriously thinking of switching to an Elite.
  4. I am having issues with this site. I try to post or respond to a post but it stops me from typing? Anyone else having the issues?
  5. Sounds like an awesome hunt. Great beard on that bird in the picture!!!
  6. well, the fat lady has sung her song for me. This morning was my last chance to get out. Zip, nada, zilch!!!! Never seen a month like this in over 25 years of hunting spring birds.
  7. Well, tomorrow morning and Friday will be my last attempts at trying to get a bird. Very strange season so far, with the lack of any gobbling action? Wish me luck
  8. Strut10, yes I have. Picked up 2 boxes of 3" shells, one in #4's and the other in #5's. Both patterned very well out of my 1300. I also bought a new Pattern-master code Black choke
  9. Well glad that your seeing and hearing some birds. Next chance I have will be next week to get back out there after them. Hope by that time, they get more vocal.
  10. I can understand a tom gobbling once before flydown then becoming henned up for most of the morning. But hearing nothing almost to the 12 noon hour in places that you have taken multible birds before is puzzling????
  11. Hunted again this morning, in two other spots that produced for me before. Nothing, nada, zip!!! Not a single peep!!! Very strange this complete silence.....
  12. Another very, very, quiet morning in the woods. Was set up in an area where I have taken birds before. Nothing but silence, other than song birds, and squirrels doing that wheeze bark. Now thinking it's the famed gobbling lull, but this early in the season? Think things will start to pick up from the middle to the end of the month?
  13. Well, the turkey gods weren't smiling down on me today either. Woods were as quiet as a church!!!