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    N Dawoods of NC
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    Family,Hunting,Fishing,Enjoying the outdoors.
  • user_name_impex

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4-Pointer (2/7)



  1. That is SWEEEEeeeeet!!!!!!! Very nice rig! I'll have to post a pic of mine.... See ya! "Bo" ...
  2. BoDice

    Missing Photos

    all of mine have .jpg on the end...... lmao....sorry I couldn't resist! Be Good "Bo" ...
  3. BoDice

    Bob Barker

    Re: Bob Barker Bob is da MAN..... How many other 80 year old guys get to hang out with the beauties???? And over the years he has had some REAL beauties!!!! I really missed Holly when she left the show. I know I'll miss him when he does retire!!! Bwe Good! "Bo" ...
  4. Re: 40 cal glock [ QUOTE ] The most you might get from a cop is $350-$400. Cops can get them for about $450 brand new. A transfer to a civilian might get you $475-$525 depending on the condition. Good luck, I'm a Glock Armorer and they are great guns. [/ QUOTE ] I can get a LEO glock with 3 mags for $420.00 here locally. Bo
  5. Re: 2 Diff. Pro Shops said my string looked \"FINE\" Well; that's typical for a PSE..... "P"ull ...."S"queeze..... "E"xplode Sorry man....I just had to do that.... I realy am sorry for loss this close to season.... But; I'll bet you can get back on track pretty quickly. Be Good! "Bo" ....
  6. Re: Need air rifle Beeman has several model under the $150.00 range. From 640 fps to 850fps. The hunter 220 is 1000 fps. Gamo also has several models running upwards of $200. Remington also just put out the Summit model at 1000 fps. at a price of 200.00 Be aware though, these guns are just as loud as a .22 So if your trying to keep a low profile.... you may want to go with the Crosman 760 . especially if your shots are close. It's a 750 fps gun for about 59.00. Good Luck Bo ...
  7. Re: Power Muffs-So far I am impressed! It seems weird to discharge a gun with the enhanced hearing not muffled hearing. LOL I foresee a flinch for my 1st shot so I better get that out of the way now.. Don't worry about the flinch..... The circuitry instantly shuts down the amplification as soon as the noise level reaches 80db. Put them on and clap your's loud enough to shut them off. Or have someone yell at you. I've been a range officer/firearms instructor for years; and as my years caught up with me I noticed I was having more and more trouble hearing the range commands with regular muffs. A friend of mine turned me on to the electronic muffs years ago. When I put them on was like someone turned on the world. I could hear traffic from the local highway several miles away. The really nice thing about them is you can hear when I have a student at the other end of the range saying.... "That guy don't know jack-****...." You can hear him and respond with...."Oh; is that so?" lol..... It tends to really keep the kids on their toes! I have said before....I've been wearing them for hunting in the stand for the last several years. I can hear deer coming in from hundreds of yards. Otherwise.... I'm the guy who turns around and there they stand. Me; I the one saying "Well; busted again". lol Be Good! "Bo" ...
  8. Re: Fishing boat for sale Hmmmm.....Where do you live BLH???? I need to go to Cleveland and this could be a road trip.... Maybe split the gas??? Pm me maybe we can cut a deal. Be Good! "Bo" ....
  9. Re: Fixing ATV tires [ QUOTE ] I would spend the 20 bucks and go get the two tires fixed then you don't have to worry about it anymore. [/ QUOTE ] $20.00 bucks?!?!?!? lmbo!!! You might get one tire that size for $50.00. Those babies don't come cheap! "Bo" ... p.s. Ranger; that machine is in VERY good shape!!! It may not fetch $5000.00 but I'll bet you'd be surprised what folks would spend on that! I know they really look for them down here in NC. My son rebuilt one he bought and a guy offered him a Grand for it.... needless to say....he don't have it anymore.....but his wallet was tight for a couple weeks! Be Good! "Bo" ...
  10. Re: Sunflowers [ QUOTE ] What is the process for putting out some sunflowers for a dove field? What time of year do you plant, and what is the maintenance on the field, and I have been in fields before that had strips mowed in them. At what point do you mow the strips through? [/ QUOTE ] In order to hunt our fields legally for dove they must be tilled or tended at least two weeks before the hunt. If they are not; they are considered baited fields. Call your wildlife agent to be sure. Be good! "Bo" ...
  11. Re: Look what\'s followed me home... Yes; very nice indeed! You can't beat a good S&W revolver!! The M&P is going to be our Departments next carry weapon. All they need to decide is if they want .40 or 9mm. We are of course hoping they opt for the .40. Be Good! "Bo" ...
  12. Re: question for biscuit owners I too am currently looking at putting a biscuit on my bow..... the only complaint I have heard from users is that they are a tough on fletchings. I understand if you put a little dab of fletching glue at the very front tip of the fletching that they will last a lot longer. I haven't put mine on this is just what I have been told. Be Good! "Bo" ...
  13. Re: Girlfriend [ QUOTE ] why does my girlfriend give me a constant update/report on her physical feelings (ie:my head hurts, my stomach hurts, my head hurts, my legs are tired, my eyes feel funny, my head hurts). Am i supposed to do something because I don't have the cure for headaches. Sorry if this sounds a lil negative. [/ QUOTE ] Sounds like she's practicing for when you get married.... Dope.....did I say that? Be good! "Bo" ...
  14. Re: Stoeger?? Yes; the Stoeger semi-autos do have cycle problems with the cheaper "all purpose" 1 oz. loads. It's not really the "low brass" that's the problem. It's the size of the load and the shot charge. I have been told by some users that they have not had any problems with the 1 1/8 oz shot. But I do know for a fact that it will not cycle the 1 oz loads. Another issue with these guns is the camo finish. It does not hold up well at all. I've seen finishes be completely rubbed off within a few months of purchase. It does not hold up to the oils and salts in the hands As far as the o/u and s/s I have not heard any real problems with these guns. I have the Condor I and enjoy shooting it very much on the skeet/trap range. I bought the 12 ga w/ 26 in bbl. swings very nicely. I was surprised at the amount of the comb is very straight, it tends to hit back when fired. Sorry; I forgot this part..... Stoeger is their own company.....the have been around form I believe the 1940's as they used to build the German Luger. It was bought and sold several times. The most recent name you may remember them as is "American Arms". I believe the most recent importer of these firearms is PMC out of Colorado. Baikal on the other hand is being imported now by Remington. They are currently marketing under the "Spartan" brand name. I hope that helps you out. "Bo" ...