I headed to the woods Thursday evening with a favorable West wind and had good expectations with the sign I found in the area. I sat there patiently waiting for something to happen as daylight was fading. About 7:30 I decided it was too dark to take a shot in the thick cover of the woods I was hunting so packed up and headed back toward the truck after the uneventful evening. The woods was real quiet walking with the rain we had received the day prior. Soon, I could see the front of the truck as I made my way to within 40 or so yards of the wood line. I walk a few more steps and catch movement on the edge of the picked soy bean field about 30 yards to the right of my truck. I realized it was a deer and soon seen it was a decent buck. The woods was dark but in the field it was still light. I knocked and arrow and slowly made my way to within 20 yards of the wood line. I stop and the buck continues walking toward my truck. Soon he stops about 15 paces from my truck and I had a good slightly quartered away shot at an estimated 30 yards. I drew back, settled the pin and let the Mathews go to work. I heard the arrow smack through the rib cage and watched the deer take off. He almost acted unharmed as I watched him disappear around a finger of woods about 150 yards away on the edge of the woods and soybean field. I found my arrow 8 paces from my truck covered in thick solid read blood from the front of the broadhead to the knock. I knew he was dead but opted to back out until Friday after I got out of work. I made it to the woods after work with my dad and friend Rob to look for the buck. We tracked him out from where I shot him and made it about 120 yards and couldnt find anymore blood. The 3 of us paced back and forth looking for any sign of blood along the edge of the soy beans and woodline but to no avail. We were stumped. Rob happebed to squat down and notice a scrape and couple rubs and mentioned "geez, if I were you, I'd have my treestand right in here". I said "shoot, my treestands only 30 yards right.....". I went to point in the direction of my treestand and there he was laying 15 yards away just inside the woods. I was pumped!! He was a better buck than I thought he was and was happy to put a good shot on him and make a recovery. For the area, he is a respectable 8 point. A great way to start the fall!