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Everything posted by Strut10

  1. WELCOME to the forums !!!!! The handgun forum has been a tad slow of traffic for a while. Start posting it up !!!
  2. Great news !!!!!!!!! CONGRATS Kyle !!!!!!!!!!! Guess that means no more boat rides on the Allegheny for you & yours............
  3. I really don't think Israel gives a flying............ well..............I don't think they care one way or another if they have Bobo's blessings or anyone else's, for that matter. They will do what they need to do with us or without us. And they will do it up big time. I forsee nukes involved. Israel really does not have the hardware to fly sortees over Iran in this magnitude. I think they will send their love via missile.
  4. I feel that Israel has shown GREAT restraint for having not rained some nuke bunker-busters in on Iran's facilities already.
  5. Happy birthday ya old fart !!!
  6. Well............. we got a little rain yesterday. Checked the plot this morning. 8 days after seeding and there's a good amount of little stuff up. Seems there must be a difference in germination rates. The PTT and kale seems to be farther ahead than the Barnopoli. Probably fertilize next weekend if all goes well.
  7. There were about 300 in the lawn of the PennDOT building yesterday afternoon. Wonder how they'd feel about me setting a deke spread out there ?
  8. My take on the democrats in this area is this: There are two kinds. The first kind are the educators. Our county seat is a state university town. There are way too many folks around that have been educated beyond their intelligence. Academia generally = democrat. The other kind are the ones whose daddy was a democrat, his daddy was a democrat and they told him he was one too. Ask this type a few litmus questions and his belief system proves him to be a conservative. But he's a straight-ticket jackarse through and through.
  9. Might even have 8 weeks til frost. Never can tell here. pH should be good to go. We spread a tri-axle load of lime on 7 acres this season. Have 500# of 15-15-15 to hit the newly-seeded plot with. Gonna wait until it comes up a little bit before I fertilize. Sure wish the rain hadn't all missed us today.
  10. Sure woulda made a nice hatband.
  11. That's more like it. The 2315's go 11.7 gr/in and my original 2117's are a whisker over 12 gr/in. The Browning carbons I've been shooting since 2004 are right around 8 gr/in and it shows. There's a severe difference in penetration between them. The 2117's were rolling out at 208 fps (with a 145 gr. head) and the only thing that stopped them was the dirt on the other side of a deer. My carbons are right in the 265 fps neighborhood and penetration is most usually sufficient. But never astounding. Pretty compelling argument to be made for projectile momentum no matter what the broadhead.
  12. Cuddeback caught this little guy snooping around one night.
  13. Pulled cards yesterday. Two cameras have been running for 4 weeks or so. Got a grand total of 4 buck pics. Two of them gave me a little hope that there may be a deer out there to be excited about. Not sure that either of these two would get an arrow from me. Trailcam pics can be very decieving. But I'm darned sure Lil would smoke either one of them in a second (the kid is ON FIRE with his shooting !!! 1000% improvement !!!) and I would have either put on the wall for him. Good tine length and mass on this guy and, I think good width, with a hint of junk. But a 7-point. Good width, nice tine length and just plain purty.
  14. Finally finished the last of my plots Thursday night. Me, the Mrs. and the little boy had spent the day in Pittsburgh at a Dr's appointment. We had a good rainstorm moving in. Dad went and disked up the last three plowed acres where I was going to put my brassica/turnip/kale mix. He called me on my way home and said I oughta get it seeded before the rain. So I got home (with 2 hours before I had to be at a meeting) and seeded 3 acres with a hand spinner in about 40 minutes. We got 3/4"-1' of rain that night. So the seed should be off to a good start. I just hope I got it in with enough time left for it to put on enough growth before first frost. Probably have 7 weeks.
  15. Happy almost belated, Jeff !!! Hope you had a goodern.
  16. No need for the link. I still have a dozen or two here from the "old days".
  17. Couple that with the fact that most everyone is shooting lightweight carbon shafts and you've doubled your chances for poor penetration. I shoot Steelforce 100's (cut on impact) and they penetrate like NUTZ !!!!!!! But not a year goes by that I don't half wish I was shooting XX-78 2315's again instead of carbons. They drove through WHATEVER got in front of them.
  18. You could dip them in chocolate and eat 'em. :clown:
  19. My take on a brush gun is a bit different than some. It's pretty much carved in stone...........bullets DO NOT deflect limbs. A 10 gauge slug makes, statistically, not much better of a "brush gun" than a .25-06 and a 100 grainer. Much more than a wispy little twig is sending both somewhere you weren't aiming. Here's my "brush gun" recipe: Pick a caliber. Any long as it's above an ethical minimum for killing what you're shooting at. Pick a rifle. Pick one that suits you well and one that will shoot half decent groups. Two inches at 100 yards for 3 shots, or so should be fine. It's best to choose a rifle that's that's compact. Maybe a 20 or 22 inch barrel for good maneuverability in tight, brushy places. Put a quality scope on top. A variable with 2x or 3X on the bottom end and 7x-10x on the top end is what I would consider best. Low power to make a quick shot with a wide field of view yet higher magnification for shots where you can take your time and see all the obstructions between you and the critter. Your best chance for taking game in the brush is with a well placed shot from a rifle accurate enough to MISS all the brush and hit all the tiny openings between you and the critter.
  20. Have had the pleasure of meeting David on a couple of occasions. He is as sincere of a class act as you will find. Glad you had the pleasure of hearing his testimony.
  21. Were I to go shopping for a general purpose sporter whatever caliber............I would be looking at the Weatherby Vanguard and the Winchester Model 70.
  22. And who is going to decide the curriculum and testing methods for these courses ?? Who is going to decide whether you are "fit and competent" to defend your life or the lives of others ?? A government bureaucracy ......... the BATF........... would. And we ALL know how competent and trustable they are.
  23. WELCOME aboard !!! Advice ?? Just stick around and be you. There's some awfully good folks around here. I think you will enjoy your stay.