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Everything posted by VtBowhunter

  1. VtBowhunter


    Been a long while since I've been in, so I figured I'd stop in and say hello. Spent the better part of the last few years getting clean and getting back to the important things in life......Family and the outdoors. Hope you are all having a safe hunting season.
  2. My buddy shot an old PSE for 10 years, and we were always razing him about shooting the same bow Geronimo used, lol. He finally went through all the bows, testing each companies best, and he bought the General also......He loves it. Good choice.
  3. VtBowhunter

    WV Rut

    Arrow32, I was down bowhunting during the first week of your bowseason, and we saw a lot of bucks chasing and even called and rattled in a few small ones. Seems like your rut kicked in very early this year......at least around Lewis County.
  4. I was shocked when I heard Mathews was putting out a cam 1/2 bow. I remember them saying that dual and cam 1/2 bows were not trustworthy and nobody should ever shoot anything but solo-cams. Now we all know that was just business and advertsing, but it does seem like back peddling. As for the new bows.......5" brace height.....WOW!!!!! I hope the folks that buy this get themselves a titanium armguard, LMAO. That's not going to be very forgiving, but I bet folks with great form will love it. I'll stick with my Vectrix and maybe get a Katera or the newest Hoyt for 09.
  5. I agree....Turner over Portis.....he's more likely to punch in the goal line TD's You've got one tough match-up that's for sure.
  6. Got back from West Virginia last saturday. Arrowed a pair of does, but no bucks this year. I'll get the doe pics up soon enough. Congrats, nj.
  7. I'll be hunting Vermont, West Virginia, and now New Hampshire......my father just got us prime land to hunt in NH, and their season opens next week......woohoo.
  8. I sent TexasTrophies a PM that we liked BuckBusters.
  9. Checking in. How about LungBusters or BuckBusters?
  10. We've had an unbelievable year for poults this year. I'm curious......could it be that the poults are already off on their own? I know they've grown quite large around here already and they're going off on their own. Seen some alone in our fields.
  11. If I get a good group to start and then a few "Flyers" and I know my gear is solid, then I would assume I'm shooting too many arrows too quickly, and I'd stop for a while and come back later.
  12. Tedi, we did walk right past your site, lol. We just had our club 3D Jamboree last weekend and a few of the catamount guys came up to it. If you've never shot their course, then you're in for a pretty good one.......but practice your distance shots. They like to stretch some out, but it's fun.
  13. Every year we head to West Virginia for our annual bowhunt. It always takes place the weekend after our season opens, so we all scheduled it that way for this year......well I guess the leap year changed their season and it's two weeks after ours opens. It's a good thing I got this PC fixed and was looking at the WV DNR site, or we would have been there a week early and in some trouble. I'm glad that everyone was able to get their vacation times changed so close to October.....this could have been a disaster, lol. I see they are also holding a 3 day hunt in the park where we stay in november.......It's about time. Those deer all look so sickly from starving as a result to over population. So if any of you WV hunters get a tag for this hunt at Stonewall Jackson, good luck to you. You'll being doing a great thing for that herd. Everyone that's traveling to hunt this year, be sure to check hunting dates for your trip, lol. Darn leap year!!!
  14. I know a woman here that was almost ready to give birth (within a couple weeks) when she climbed into a treestand and arrowed a nice buck. After having her baby a little over a week later, she was back at it, and shot another nice buck during the rifle season.
  15. VtBowhunter 32 1st sat. in Oct to 2nd or 3rd weekend in Dec.
  16. Yep, that was the place we stayed at.....In fact when you pulled up next to the campground office, we had the very first site on the right up the hill......pop-up camper. The folks there were great, and we met a lot of them, lol. We had a big BBQ with deer backstraps, moose, and caribou steaks.......man it smelled good that night.
  17. I have a Vtec and this year purchased the Vectrix......both are excellent bows. You can't go wrong with Hoyt. Shoot bows from both manufacturers, and give the both a fair and honest testing. Then make your decision.
  18. Tedi, I wish I knew other forum members were going to be there. I was there with our club, and we had an absolute blast. We camped out there for the weekend and had a great time. A few of us even earned our 1000 point pins (without the handicap). I hope they do it again in the future.
  19. I just switched to one and it's awesome.......the speed in which the rest drops is excellent......faster then any other I've used, so you'll get great arrow clearance.
  20. After bowhunting turkeys for the last three years, I finally quilled my first and second birds.......the first was 20 pounds with a 9" beard and 1" spurs. I'll get the pics up as soon as I can. The second was a 14 pound jake with a 6" beard which lead me to believe he was an older bird.....he never strutted so I never saw the notch in the tail, lol. It was a great year as my father managed to kill his first 2 birds ever, I arrowed my first birds with a bow, and we put countless birds in front of my 9 year old son, but he never shot due to nerves, lol. Hope everyone else had a great one too.
  21. Well guys, I have good news and bad. The good news is that after 3 years of bowhunting the thunder chicken I finally pinwheeled my first with the ol' Hoyt. 20 Pounds 9" beard and 1" spurs. The bad news........none of my pictures came out!!!!!! The only pic I have is one that was taken by my son with his digital. It was a great year, as I managed to kill a second with the bow but that won't help the team. I'm really sorry to let y'all down.
  22. Re: TURKEY TEAM #26 U.S.A. works for me.......can't wait to get after 'em.
  23. Re: TURKEY TEAM #26 I'm checkin' in. We start May 1st and run the whole month. Y'all come up with the name you want, and I'll be cool with it. I'll be checking in from time to time, so don't think I forgot ya........just a bit busy with work.
  24. Re: pats the best Colts in a field goal filled game. Colts/Saints in the SuperBowl........Saints by 12.
  25. Re: 2007 Forums Turkey Contest Sign-up VtBowhunter Vermont Adult Easterns