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    Web Press Operator
  • Interests
    Hunting, Fishing and anything related
  • user_name_impex

wishinone's Achievements


6-Pointer (3/7)



  1. 6 MB's From down under, something else. http://www.sendspace.com/file/pwverl
  2. Here in CT it depends on what type of tag you buy, state land tag gives you two bearded birds, private land tag give you three birds.
  3. 1953 Chevy bought in 1964, wanted a 1955 ford with 312 and holly 4 barrel but dad wouldn't let me get it.
  4. Heck, I live 30 minutes away and didn't know a thing about it until it was all over.
  5. Go hunting first, as long as the wedding isn't yours it doesn't matter what time you get there.
  6. Don't have to wait until Oct first here, season starts this Saturday. However I will be working and they are calling for heavy rain, my first day hunting will be on the 20th.
  7. Re: My Dad, Tommy Wayne Hicks Sorry for your loss Gus.
  8. wishinone

    Attack Rabbit

    Rabbit verses snake, 1 minute clip http://www.sendspace.com/file/dlk2jb
  9. Re: What shotguns do you use for waterfowl? For geese I use an Ithaca Mag10, for ducks a Franchi 612 VS auto
  10. Re: Framed Wild turkey prints.... Have a few hanging in my room, actually the first one I bought at a Ducks Unlimited event.
  11. Re: September? They just started flying again in the last week or so, will be checking my hunting areas this next week when I'm off.
  12. Re: Some \"Track Players\"............ Nice looking calls Redbeard, are they all slate, or are you making glass pots too?
  13. Doe was feeding while going by trail cam and fawn decided it wanted a snack too.
  14. Re: My first Game Cam Pics Excellent pics, rest of my cams go out next week.