I love to see deer pics:
Here is a buck from last season that I had a bunch of pics of!
I had this deer at 44 yards on Oct. 23rd in the rain and just couldn't release an arrow at, for fear of loosing him!
This deer was shot 9 days into our 11 day season by a neighbor of mine. I didn't even know he had been killed until I saw him on the wall at a local gas station about a month ago.
Velvet pics are deceiving......and this buck proved it!
What do you all think it scored? I am not positive that all 3 are of the same buck, but I assume so, by times, etc.
I know the official score of this hog, so let the guessing begin! :-)
He's a mainframe 4X4 with a split brow tine and a drop tine: How big do you think the drop tine is from the pics??? Again, I have all the measurements and I was surprised!