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    Fredericksburg, VA
  • user_name_impex

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6-Pointer (3/7)



  1. 10acboy

    Funny e-mail

    Now that's funny. I really like: Aircraft handles funny. (I love this one!) Aircraft warned to straighten up, fly right, and be serious.
  2. Sorry lil, I couldn't name everyone, I would still be typing
  3. Hey everyone - It's been a long time since I have been on this site, couple of years I guess. I have had a crazy couple of years with work, losing my hunting land, trying to find more hunting land (without much luck) family, etc. I couldn't remember my password for the longest and today all of a sudden it popped into my mind for some reason. It was nice to see many of the names that I remember - Norm, RangerClay, TrophyGirl, Tominator, Dogdoc and wtnhunt -how's Tennessee? Anyway, it's nice to be back reading the posts again!
  4. Re: TURKEY TEAM #5 Thanks Lou, but this was the only farm that I hunted on. I never looked for a backup place to hunt on. I just think that I am outta luck. I have begun looking for other places, but most of them have leases on already or people do not allow hunting. I am still looking. I will leave the decision totally up to you and the team, but please beleive me when I say that I understand if you all want to pick up someone else. I think that it would be in the best interest for everyone on the team. Just don't forget about me when it comes to the prizes when you all win!
  5. Re: TURKEY TEAM #5 Hey everyone - I have some bad news. I just found out that we have lost the right to hunt on the farm. A couple of bad apples ruined it for the whole group. If it is not to late you all should find someone to replace me. I hope that I didn't screw the team over. I am just sick to my stomach about this whole thing. I am going to try to talk with the man that oversees the farm, but it's only two weeks from opening day, and I don't know fellas. I'm sorry. This farm is awesome to hunt too - it was about 5000 acres packed with deer, turkey, rabbit and just about anything that you would like to hunt. Hopefully I will be able to deer hunt there, but I would have to say that turkey season is out. What makes this so bad is that it was a perfect place for my sons because of the amount of wildlife there. I don't know what I am going to do now.
  6. Re: TURKEY TEAM #5 Hopefully the action will pick up soon for you.
  7. Re: TURKEY TEAM #5 Good luck buddy and let us know how you do!
  8. Re: TURKEY TEAM #5 Thanks for having me everybody. I feel much better now, just trying to get my endurance built up again. Whatever I had really messed me up for a couple of weeks. I'll try my best to get us some points for the team - the season doesn't open until the 14th of April I believe, I'll have to double check that. Good luck everyone and I'll try to log into realtree more often.
  9. Re: TURKEY TEAM #5 Hey everybody - I'm here, I'm here. I don't know if it is too late or not, but I would still like to participate. I understand if you picked up another member. Please let me know. I have been sick for the last couple of weeks, plus home and work have had me slammed for a long time. I apologize for not getting on A LOT sooner, but please let me know. Thanks Mike
  10. Re: 2007 Forums Turkey Contest Sign-up 10acboy Adult Easterns Virginia Good luck everyone!
  11. Re: 01-17-07 Eagle Beautiful pic. I was watching two of them flying around the last day of the season here. I had my stand close to a river and I would see them on most days. I also saw that she had two little ones with her - or what I expect where little ones, they were smaller with no white on their heads all setting in the same tree.
  12. Re: RT and I need your Opinion You definitely have to have homebrews in there somewhere - with all the interests of members wanting to try to build their own.
  13. Re: Layoffs Coming Hopefully everything will work out in your favor! Good luck.
  14. Re: yesss finally Congrats on the extra points!
  15. Re: 16 - Backstrap Butchers [ QUOTE ] WOO HOO! I just found out that we have an extended antlerless firearm season in my county until Feb. 3rd. Maybe I'll be able to get out this month and blast a doe or two!!! [/ QUOTE ] what county do you hunt in?