Most definately mature buck #'s even deer #'s are down in the forest due to last yrs harsh winter. This winter is shaping up to be one in the same. It is completely idiotic of our Gov't to issue 2 either sex tags in the forest when #'s are down, even when #'s are high in my opinion. Targetting bucks is not the way to bring the population down, anyone with a wee bit of biology knows that reducing the doe #'s is the only way to bring down population #'s.
As for the CWD thing, it is terrible. I will say that any one who participates in such a hunt is robbing from their children's future b/c doing so only hurts the future of deer hunting, taints hunter/landowner relationships and is based solely on greed. i grew up in an area that has been CWD targetted for a # of yrs. Ask any local hunters there and landowners as well about the program and you'll find alot of hatred. Before driving halfway across the province to slaughter some animals, ask yourself, would I like a bunch of guys driving to my backyard and blasting at every animal in sight. Plus the procedures are stupid, turn in a doe tag and a little buck and get a trophy tag. I could have 10 doe heads and 10 little buck heads in my truck box by the time I got to where I grew up and that would be as hard as stopping by any hide drop off dumpster in every town along the way. IDIOTS!!!
Anyways tarheel, I feel as though you were subject to a yr with far less mature deer than yrs past. I'd be doing some serious checking into if Sask Enviro. is going to be issuing the 2nd either sex tag before coming back, b/c if they do, you will see the quality of bucks continue to go down.