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Everything posted by Bloodtrailer

  1. ya that Z7 sure does sell itself. i went in february to shoot the destroyer 340/350, and after shooting the Z7 afterwards it nearly jumped in my truck bed
  2. blood, and oh my is amazing
  3. shot Darton bows all my life until this season, i went to a pro shop and Shot the Mathews Z7...SOLD
  4. 6' 2" you probably are about 30" you have any good bowtechs in the area, not knockin your gander mountain one of the best techs i know comes from my local gander, but yours could be a noob. have them check for cam lean and such
  5. that's a long draw length, I would be interested in your height. beyond that, are your shots grouping at all? whats your arrow specs(grains/length..etc)?
  6. oh dear lord in heaven, I don't get grossed out easily but dont mess with my deer meat
  7. Bowtech Destroyer with the 7" BH, is the bow of the year..HANDS DOWN...
  8. that VS1 stuff is the real deal..but its like 40-50 bucks for one stick
  9. Keep shooting those bows in season, I went out sunday and started shooting my bow and was off a good 5-9 inches which isnt catastrophic but it could mean the difference in a dead vs wounded animal. Not sure if my sight got bent or knocked loose, but shes dead on again.
  10. Bloodtrailer

    New Bow

    not to pee in any cheerios, but the 2010 diamonds(bowtech) are comin around the corner...those 09's will be cheap cheap really soon
  11. october is amazing, you get to see the deer prior to pressure in their natural habitat...i shot my buck and still try to hunt every night after work just to watch deer and see the rut start to take action. i am addicted.
  12. thats awesome, and you caught him on film on my b-day which makes him that more special.
  13. i bend out the ez hangar and hammer it in the tree...then just twist it on in
  14. i use an old brown dress sock for an arm guard, 2 bucks at Dollar General and you get like 3 pairs.
  15. my comment was pointing out the fact that when your out bowhunting for deer and flinging arrows at squirrels is just mindless, and thats just my opinion. I put countless hours prior to season making sure my areas are not disturbed, i guess youll have to see a 150" buck's tail floppin' through the air after you fire an arrow at a squirrel to understand fully what i meant.
  16. vice grips will probably do the trick to twist it out. i would just gorilla glue that sucker on there real good.
  17. I will never shoot a different broadhead, see my buck pic from this year to see the hole it left..every compound bow hunter should use these for a few different reasons. 1. they leave HUGE holes, faster easier tracking 2. even on an iffy shot, they do soo much damage you still will recover your deer 3. they penetrate like a fixed head, i got a full pass through on a shoulder hit
  18. went out and found it, had the metal detector with me..but i saw it before the metal detector did
  19. patience will be learned one day. plus why kill a squirrel out of season, mindless.
  20. awesome story i laughed out loud in cubicle when you wanted to "THWACK him in the head" cuz it was all you could see
  21. Took an early lunch break today to head to my stand and try to find the arrow that killed my deer, I cant find it anywhere. I found half of it, but not the end with my 15 dollar broadhead. Has anyone ever used a metal detector successfully to find an arrow? My sister has one, and im going to give it a whirl, i refuse to leave that arrow.
  22. first in line at PA's finest taxidermist Jeff Rebich, Couldn't get the exact mount i wanted because i caped him myself and messed up it..but you live and learn!!
  23. gander mountain mass production of carbon express, cheap price took over gold tips cheap price market of carbon arrows, atleast this is my opinion.
  24. thanks scrict! just got home from the taxidermist, CANNOT WAIT to get it back..i was the first in line this season