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  • Location
    upstate n.y.
  • Occupation
    co owner of small business
  • Interests
    hunting deer and turkey
  • Biography
    Born and raised in N.Y.Was brought up in a Christian home and accepted the Lord as Savior at age 7.Married with 2 children.Been hunting deer since 1976.
  • user_name_impex

buckshot's Achievements


6-Pointer (3/7)



  1. Mathews Outback Gold Tip Arrow American Broadhead 120 Grain
  2. Had to work today but was able to get out this evening.Got to my stand just inside the woods from a standing cornfield at about 5pm only to listen to a couple of beagles chasing rabbits in the cornfield right up till dark.Grrrrrr! Oh well I'll try it again in the morning.
  3. That's awesome! I've taken my daughter out a few times to drag a deer out.Something they will never forget.Congrats on a great hunt!
  4. Quote - I'd be all for a crossbow only season, as I would a traditional bow only season. Don't see the the need for having a separate crossbow season and a traditional season.Why can;t crossbow hunters and bowhunters share the same season?I mean if I decided that I was going to hunt with a crossbow instead of my compound bow I'm going to hunt exactly the same way as if I was hunting with my bow.The only difference is that I'm using a crossbow and not my compound.Don't see where that is going to make any difference to other hunters.
  5. Right, this silly arguement will never end.My 2 cents, what do I care if my neighbor decides to use a crossbow instead of compound?Why should that bother me? Lets all just quit worrying about what somebody else might choose to hunt deer with and just hunt!
  6. Can't say I was surprised when I heard this.Still angers me though. Ever since he's been in office he's done nothing but shown how much he hates this country and what it stands for. The man has got to go. No second term!
  7. I was totally disgusted when I saw the democrats standing and applaulding the Mexican President after he blasted Arizona for their new imigration law.In my opinion the Republicans should have walked out. I also saw Eric Holder and Napalitano standing and applauding and both of them looked like idiots last week when questioned by congress because neither one of them had read the new law.
  8. Been a tough season here in NY with the birds not talking much but this morning this bird wouldn't shut up while on the roost.We set up close and my hunting partner just made a few soft yelps and that was enough to bring him in. 20# ,9.5" beard, 1.25 spurs.
  9. Shot this buck 8:45 opening morning.Saw him an hour earlier but couldn't get a shot.Saw a total of 5 deer opening morning.3 does and 2 bucks.Not alot of shooting going on either. oto.php/photo/29253][/url]
  10. mathews outback goldtip arrow sonic pro 100 broadhead
  11. I feel the same way you do.
  12. buckshot


    I'm glad to see that a lot of people are opposing this national health care at these town hall meetings.I've never been so concerned about our country and the direction it is heading.If they pass this we can only hope and pray that it would be political suicide for the democrats and the Obama administration.
  13. I had a good year also ,I got a nice doe with the bow and a small buck with the rifle.So our house won't be going hungry this winter.I had a dmp tag and was tempted to go out and fill it but decided not to.I didn't want to take a chance and spook deer off our property onto the neighbors, I would rather leave the deer for next season.So I gave my dmp tag to the Pastor of our church hoping he would fill it.
  14. Mathews Outback Sonic Pro 100's Gold Tip arrow