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About Pinwheel5

  • Birthday 01/10/1970


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  • Location
    London KY
  • Gender
  • Occupation
    Archery Manager, KY Outdoorsman
  • Interests
    3-d archery, hunting
  • user_name_impex
    Matt Siler

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6-Pointer (3/7)



  1. If I'm correct the Vegas rounds are shot at 20 meters, not yards. It comes out close to 18 1/2 yards.
  2. Bears are cool. I hunt in bear country and have never had any trouble. I hit one with a rock once, not recommended.
  3. Wish that I could help but unfortunately I can't right now. Hope you can reach the goal and I'll pray for yall. Hope you get to feeling better as well.
  4. Two friends of mine on a elk hunt stopped to listen for bugles on a hunt I was guiding stopped to locate a bulging bull one morning. I had to take the pic and for lucky enough to get everything in focus.
  5. pick your favorite outdoor pic that you have taken what would it be and why?
  6. Most fun I've had was when I got to guide Mossy Oak here in KY.
  7. After guiding several elk hunts here in East KY I was fortunate enough to get a tag. All self guided and had a blast. I will admit, it more fun to guide than to hunt IMO. 39 yards, 363", and weighed around 1000 lbs. I got back 494 lbs of meat.
  8. What happened to all my post counts? I know I had over 5000! I look like a newb! Wheres Tominator, Buckee, Turkeygirl and the crew! We used to laugh, cry, fight, makeup, hate each other and sing God Bless The USA and THEN move onto the next post. wtnhunt is only still on here because, if I remember, nobody else would have him, lol.
  9. I was fortunate enough to get a KY elk tag in 2011. Scores 363".
  10. Whats up ol' man?

  11. I used to win a lot of tournies with my hunting bow. 3-d. field, 5 spot and vegas rounds. I won several thousand dollars with a camo Mathews MQ, pin sights and a 10" stabilizer.
  12. Sup everyone? I joined this forum way back in 2002, back when all we had was dial up internet. I used to live on here when I wasn't in the woods or on the water. Looking forward to talking with some old friends and making new ones.
  13. Congrats. I have a snow camo Bear Empire. It looks very cool. Offsets my Blackout Hoyt Spyder.
  14. I shoot year round so all I have to do is tune my broadheads. September 7th here. Be here before ya know it.
  15. Pinwheel5


    Welcome back, I just returned myself having been gone for a few years.