Re: hunting privelages STOLEN! Legally!!
Did the Game Warden give you a citation [for address issue and/or hunting over bait] or simply confiscate your license? If you were cited, you will have your day in court. Assemble all of the evidence that you can - residency information and past/current addresses, written statements from witnesses, pictures of damage, map with your location and location of any bait, etc. Unfortunately, you may lose a hunting season while the legal process progresses.
If you weren't issued a citation and the Game Warden simply told you about the "issues" and took your license, I suggest that you contact the PGC in Harrisburg for assistance. Explain your story and provide them with your license number. They should be able to tell you if your license was suspended pending a hearing, or if the PGC hasn't heard anything about your encounter. Since you obviously don't have your current license, refer to your doe license or harvest card. If I remember correctly, the backtag number is printed on the bottom of one or both of them. That backtag number may be able to provide some means of identification.
If the PGC in Harrisburg hasn't heard of any issue with you, contact your regional Game Commission office to inquire whether the encounter was reported there. If not known there either, I would ask that the regional office investigate and inform you of the findings.
If there is no record of your license being taken, discuss with the Game Commission its status as lost and your ability to obtain a replacement. If I remember correctly, replacement licenses cost $5.00.
I believe that the accusation about the incorrect address warrants questioning of the PGC. Was the address provided a valid current address or previous address or simple misprint or typing/writing error? Did you intentionally misrepresent your address to hide some previous issue? Unless something changed recently, moving from one address to another within the state didn't affect a resident license or cause it to be invalid. However, I don't know that the same consideration is given for a resident who moves out of state.
Regarding the baiting, I suggest that you research that issue in the hunting regulations booklet or on the PGC website. I don't remember what PA considers as hunting over bait - minimum distance from bait, line of sight, etc.
If the Game Commission has a record of its officer taking your license on your property and you have documented evidence of damage, you may have some recourse at that time. Otherwise, you may have to pursue the matter in civil/small claims court.
Without proof, your claims of bribery solicitation and threats against your cabin aren't more than heresay (your word against his). I wouldn't expect him to repeat those comments.
I suggest that you follow up with the PGC in Harrisburg first, and your regional office if necessary. If the PGC gives you no satisfaction, you can always consult the local television station or newspaper. I think that you would find interest in your story.