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Everything posted by Turkeygirl

  1. Turkeygirl


    Busy working and getting ready for vacation...but squirrel season starts in 4 days!
  2. Exactly...don't fix what isn't broken...the change to me really made no sense, but hey, at least we can hunt!
  3. Anyone get their 2014/2015 hunting licenses yet? What do you think of the new system? I thought it was a total pain...getting the licenses individually....I use to get Super Sportsman, now it's buy each license separate, with the fishing starting the day you buy it, cost was the same anyway.
  4. We've had great tasting blueberries this year...and lots of them. Must be all the rain,lol
  5. Congrats to mom, dad, and Christina! You've raised a smart girl, it'll take time to adjust but she will, tell her to hang in there, keep a level head, and think of the outcome...it will all be worth it!
  6. Turkeygirl


    I score him as shootable!
  7. LOL wooly! I'm sticking to my regular bow:-p Was tired of lugging the full size mossberg 500 20 ga...its nice to have a gun now that fits.
  8. Ya'll need to shoot Elite,lol. Congrats on the new bow! Alot of great bow manufacturers...allows everyone to have a preference:)
  9. Ya'll need to shoot Elite,lol. Congrats on the new bow! Alot of great bow manufacturers...allows everyone to have a preference:)
  10. Winchester SX3 Compact Field 20 ga Semi-Auto. Picked it up today from Cabelas...one nice handling gun...toss up between that and a Benelli Montefeltro. Shouldered the Winchester a little better and that slightly wider forearm, Little more $ than I'd have liked but I have been wanting a semi-auto for small game and figured this should last me the rest of my life. Pic doesn't do it justice.
  11. I have 3 homebrews, all whiteflash, flash does not seem to bother the deer at all! Got them all from builders on archerytalk. Alot of the builders seem to use Sony cameras.
  12. That is awesome! Congrats and a happy birthday to the girls!
  13. Ruth I. Turkeygirl 31 New York Bow - October 1st to mid-November Shotgun - mid-November to early December Muzzleloader/Late Archery - usually mid-December.
  14. Well wish I wasn't going to miss ya Tim but did go yesterday. Great to be in a Cabelas but they sure didn't have much I was looking for - womens hunting boots, not much womens camo, etc. Did get a 3D turkey target and Buck omni hunter gut hook knife from the bargain cave.
  15. Use to wear Mucks...still have a pair. Lacrosse seem to hold up better...got a pair of Bogs, really comfy but already holes in them
  16. Had some time off to use so took Weds. off and going to Cabelas!! :-D
  17. I have Verizon here...mainly because it has the best coverage area...
  18. Not that one specifically but I do own a Kia Sportage...love it. My mother also has a Kia Rondo.
  19. I have a Trufire but don't shoot it. I shoot a Scott Shark and also a Scott Longhorn Hex I'm working on getting the hang. of. Love Scott releases!
  20. Are ya thinning your cam herd wooly?
  21. I have a card through my bank and pay it off every single month. Mainly used for online purchases. Does anyone know though, and I was trying to find it online but couldn't, what happens if you either cancel your card or just not use it? Because I'm thinking of switching to the Cabelas card, but I don't want to then have multiple cards...don't know if I can cancel the one or just not use it and when the exp. date comes, not renew?
  22. Received mail from Cabela's yesterday with an invite to Cabelas the day before the grand opening if I apply for the Cabela's card and bring the app. in. Was planning to go during the opening weekend anyhow. Was wondering if anyone has the Cabela's Visa? Was thinking of one anyway just for Cabela's purchases.
  23. Time to start gearing in for bow season. Going to start shooting my hunting bow. Still at some point need to send out my 3D bow... Hope to get to a local 3D course to do some practice a few times as well...and maybe one of the video target ranges as well.