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Everything posted by Turkeygirl

  1. Re: Poison Ivy Take about the hottest bath you can stand; I was told that in Wilderness First Responder training. It will help you to kind of sweat out the poison ivy poisons and such. I'll look up and see what I have written down about poison ivy treatment that may help.
  2. Re: Here We Go Again--Bummer Sorry for the not so great news but I'm glad at least it is positive in a way. Will be praying for ya buddy!
  3. Re: Good night! A few of the buildings on campus are air conditioned, others...well it would be cooler to be outside! The supervisor I'm working with this week, I get to work in the air conditioned Center for the Arts building (aka music majors' building).
  4. Turkeygirl

    Good night!

    Bed time,lol! I've been on here for about 45 minutes, 10pm is coming in a few minutes, which means it's my bed time! Visited camp for about an hour after work today, now I gotta get some sleep since 6am comes early, and 7am custodial comes just as early; aah another day of deep cleaning bathrooms tomorrow, woohoo This job should automatically qualify me as a Realtree Pro Custodial Staffer lol, guess I'm tired Hope you all have a great night and August 1!
  5. Re: Handheld Camera Entries Ok, here is my resized "Camo Frog" photo entry. Thanks VT! Only thing is it isn't showing as clearly as the original above??? Unless it is me....
  6. Re: If You\'re a Squirrel Hunter I'm signed up and can't wait, 1 month until the season! Hopefully I get paired with an active hunter this time,lol! Can't kill all the squirrels myself:-) Well maybe I could..........:-)
  7. Re: 2004 Tar Hollow Bow Kill Nice buck with a beautiful rack! Congrats!
  8. Re: Handheld Camera Entries Here is my entry. I really hope it isn't too big, if it needs to be resized, please feel free to do it or let me know. This is of a Wood Frog and just goes to show what true camouflage is I was lucky enough to spot him/her
  9. Re: Squirrel Contest Sign Up Thread Definitely count me in! Turkeygirl Season: Sept. 1 - Feb.28 (or 29 if Leap year,lol) Limit: 6 per day Legal Squirrels: Black/Grey/Fox squirrels/red squirrels - I only shoot Greys though, they have more meat,lol. and I haven't seen any fox squirrels but they are supposedly around here and there.
  10. Re: Will everyone please do a favor for me Great point Ranger! I also have learned that any Biblical names should be capitalized, just as our names are, or it is disrespectful and improper grammar:-)
  11. Re: Thought it was cooling down Suppose to hit the 90's on Tuesday with a heat index over 100...fun fun fun......NOT
  12. Re: Gettin\' Close With Lee & Tiffany! Team Realtree! They are awesome, saw them on one of the hunting shows on ESPN today. I wouldn't mind their job!
  13. Re: whats everyone up to today? well I watched the Realtree shows on ESPN this morning, did the barn chores, then went out and watched the field boardering our woods get chopped, and now I'm back in the house on Realtree:)
  14. Re: I wonder.... Sweet looking shirt! And since you are all sweet people and I'm the first girl to reply to this post, you can all chip in and buy me a shirt, lol! (jk)
  15. Re: Hoyt Bows I have a Hoyt Mystic Rebel which is an older Hoyt bow and was bought used. Has a Nap Quicktune 1000, Bohning Lynx 4 arrow quiver, the sight came with the bow, not sure what sight it is but leaning towards Truglo. 40-50 lbs, not sure of the draw but I know it is adjustable from like 25-29 inches or somewhere in that area. One of these days I'll know what I'm talking about,lol
  16. Re: Got a new XT (pics) Wow, awesome! I can't wait for the day until I can afford a new, good bow,lol!
  17. Turkeygirl

    Full moon?

    Re: Full moon? Hope is leg is ok. Well if he won't go to the doc, make sure he at least keeps it really really clean. With burns, that is pretty much all you can do, maybe keep some antibiotic ointment on it and if not covered, let it breath a while.
  18. Turkeygirl


    Re: cabelas Yeah, the closest one to me is way way down in southern PA, so like no chance of me going to one unless it comes to NY. the good news is Buffalo is getting a Bass Pro which will be awesome when it comes, which won't be for a few years....long wait,lol
  19. Re: She\'s Finally Here......... Wow, nice rig! Wish I didn't have all these loans to pay off and possibly going back to college. Good luck with your new bow!
  20. Re: Check my new arrows Nice!!!
  21. Re: Official Deer Season Countdown Thread 77 days for me to....well duh, I live and hunt in the southern zone! lol
  22. Re: Hunt101 down! Why? Yeah, Realtree is so reliable, lol, hint hint
  23. Re: Got a new table at hunting camp Nice table! Looks like you have some nice deer around to!
  24. Re: Moving Tomorrow Good luck with the move and I hope all goes safely! Will try to remember to say a prayer for you:)
  25. Re: Hunt101 down! Why? I remember last year Hunt101 was down, like forever. They decided to switch servers or upgrade or something and it took them forever. I totally forgot about Hunt101 actually....