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Everything posted by Turkeygirl

  1. Re: Please Dont Pick On Me Any More Wow! i'm glad you got him and not the coyotes! Amazing he made it that long.
  2. Re: Highway Find Wow, that is really cool and really unique! Hang on to that one!
  3. Re: tough as nails Wow, what a lady! I'll say a prayer for her.
  4. Re: Here\'s my first bird! Great story and congrats to you both!
  5. Re: Please Dont Pick On Me Any More Wow, poor guy. I'm glad you got him! He really was beat up! Really nice bird! Congrats and nice job!
  6. Re: NY Opener Tomorrow!! Well I've got my gun ready and vest packed but I'm still not sure where I'll be hunting in the morning. I've got two choices: hunt the farmland near my house where I know there is a bearded hen and where this is one gobbler who plays hard to get. I'm going to take a walk this afternoon and see if I can find him. My second choise is the hunt the piece of state land where I've found a ton of sign but I'm not sure where they are roosting and when they move through. It's a nice spot with open hardwoods ridge, old logging trail where all the sign is that leads to an overgrown field of private land. I may have to contend with other hunters, but tonight I am thinking of going over to see if I can roost turkeys. Either way I can only hunt until about 8am/8:30am because of college. Any one have any suggestions about which place to hunt?
  7. Re: Son\'s First Bird! Congrats on an awesome first bird!
  8. Re: cought biggest trout of my life Nice fish! Beautiful trout! Congrats!
  9. Re: Maybe a unique bird?? Thanks everyone! I was going to get up this morning and see where she was flying down and if I could hear that gobbler that is around but I couldn't do it,lol. I'm going to go out in a couple hours and see if I can find where that gobbler is and if the hen is in the field because it seems like turkeys are using this field alot and there is a major dusting area right beside it. Tonight I might try to get over to my state land spot and see if I can roost any gobblers over there. If I don't, then I'll probably hunt the land by home hear in the morning since I have to be to campus by 9:30am. The joys of hunting:-)
  10. Re: Realtree Turkey Team #12 Anyone having any luck?? Come on guys, I don't want to be on another un-active team. Keep us alive! Season starts Monday for me and I'll be out there!
  11. Re: some people are just stupid Wow, I'm glad the girl and the horse were ok! I have a horse who is sweet and calm, but even so I wouldn't do somethingl ike that. I think the girl needs a little common sense.
  12. Re: I am in PAIN!!!!!! Wow, that is alot of swelling. I'd almost say ACL or PCL injury. I might be wrong, but your left knee sure doesn't look too happy. Keep us updated!
  13. I went out tonight about a little after 6pm to go to the top of this gravel pit overlooking the farm land I hunt, above a field where I spooked turkeys from the night before. I see a turkey feeding so I sneak to get to the top to look at it through the binocs. I look at it and notice it is rusty brown like a hen, and it's behavior is like a hen but then I notice it has about an 8-9 inch beard! So I look for spurs and though I saw some but wasn't sure. Well the turkey flies up to roost about 45 yards from me and after while it steps out into a clearer few on a branch and this time I don't see any spurs, and it's head and neck do not have the red/white/blue of a gobbler. When a crow flew over and hollered, it didn't gobbled, just went alert, so unless I'm mistaken, I think I found a bearded hen! I also saw another turkey, which was darker colored than this hen, come out into the field later, but I didn't see a beard. So do you think I found a bearded hen who is unusually rusty brown? Also, are bearded hens legal to shoot in the spring in NY? I've heard of people shooting bearded hens but wasn't sure if NY allows that or not. I know there is a gobbler in the land somewhere since I heard it gobbling about 2 weeks ago. I guess I won't sleep in tomorrow and will get up and find out where the hen flies down and if I hear any gobbles from anywhere. If no luck in the morning, I'll try to roost some birds on the state land tomorrow night. So what do you all think??
  14. Re: I am in PAIN!!!!!! Congrats on the win and way to hang in there but sorry baout the injury! Did you hear any pops or anything when you injured the knee? I would recommend getting that knee checked out again, maybe by a sports med. doctor or an orthopedic just to make sure it isn't an ACL tear or something. How did you injury anyway, like mechanism? I might be able to give you the possiblities of what you injured. I'm no professional, yet,lol, but I've learned alot in my athletic training classes. I hope it's feeling better by now.
  15. Re: mounted 15 point Way to go webby! Congrats! that's an awesome buck!!! Did you mount the bacon swiss burger to?? lol!
  16. Re: Ol\' Splittail Nice bird! Congratulations!!
  17. Re: NY opener I've heard they haven't been gobbling because I haven't heard any gobbling! Went out this morning to the state land where there is a ton of sign, and not a peep. Was walking out to the car and about 7:30am scared a bird, maybe a gobbler, off the roost. Seems kind of late but maybe it was due to really cold temps. this morning???
  18. So I got up at 5:30am this morning which proved to be a little too late because the sun was just starting to rise and it was just light enough to see. I drove over to the state land to the area where is a ton of sign, in hopes of hearing a gobble, but I heard nothing. It was already light by the time I got to the state land. As I was walking about at about 7:30am, I spooked a turkey off of a the line between the state land and some private land. I watched as it flew off and I think it had a long beard, darn it! I didn't fly onto the private land but to my right on the state land towards the dirt road my car is parked on. I'm not sure if it stopped or flew across the road but do you think he'll come back? From all the sign I've seen, I think there is more than one turkey in there and probably more than one gobbler. I saw hen poop and some poop that was hard to tell if it was hen or gobbler because it started kind of like a hen but ended up kind of straight like a gobbler,lol. It isn't even season yet and I'm feeling a little discouraged. Tonight I'm just going to go the farm land by my house and see if I can find that one gobbler that is not an easy one to find and hunt. How do you find turkeys when you don't even know where to start? Saturday morning I have to go to a seminar thing so I won't be home until probably around 6pm, so I'll probably try to go out then or Sunday morning. I don't know, what do you all think? By the way, could it be possible I didn't hear any gobbles because it was between 20 and 30 degrees this morning? I tried an owl call but nothing.
  19. Re: horse riding lessons Well sometimes most girls fall in love with horses when they are young and then kind of grow out of it. If you think she really wants to learn to ride and is going to be a horsey lover for awhile, just try to make sure, if you are going to buy her a horse, that she is serious and the responsibility. Too many people buy horses for their kids who then grow out of it and the horse gets neglected. I'd definitely say start with an older horse that is "bomb proof". Good luck and I hope she has fun!
  20. Re: NY opener ME!!!!!!! I can only hunt until about 8am probably since I have to meet with my doctorat 9:30am to get a health form for my internship signed. I really hope I can put some birds to bed Sunday, or here where they are tomorrow morning, and get one tag filled. I also hope no one else comes in there hunting since it's on state land, but you have to walk about 1/4 mile through red pine and briars to get to the hardwoods so maybe it is deceiving.
  21. Well it sure isn't pretty but hey, it's my 4th shed find this year! Found it while walking back out to the car from listening for turkeys on state land. It was only about 5 yards from the car,lol. It's a really old 3 point side, I guess I'm lucky to have seen it! I also found a really old skull with some spikes on it. Here are some photos: This is as it lay. I picked it up so you get a better idea of just how small it is,lol. Here is the spike skull I found before I found the shed.
  22. Re: Rossting birds tonight The classifieds? Wow, I am really out of it,lol! Thanks Rhino. I did go out last night, founds lots of scratchings in the same hardwoods area, didn't hear any birds htough but I am going back tomorrow morning because I'm hoping they'll gobble a bunch since they seem to do that more in the morning. I did find an old 3 point shed on the way back out to the car, actually about 5 yards from the car,lol.
  23. Turkeygirl

    33" 18 lb Rainbow

    Re: 33\" 18 lb Rainbow Nice fish! Yeah, it doesn't quite look like what the article says it weighs nd measures. I caught a 32" steelhead last year that was longer than that and only weighed around 10-12 pounds....
  24. I'm going to try to go out tonight and find where those birds on the state land are roosting. Will the toms gobble when they go to roost? Should I use an owl call if I don't hear any gobbles? I am going to the spot where I found alot of sign on Sunday so they've got to be in there. The state land has some private lan fields around it so I figure it is a good spot to be to catch turkeys going in and out of the fields. I hope this is the year!
  25. Re: Help! What can I keep my sight on with? Thanks everyone! When Andy got home, I asked him if he had anything and what he did was take this tiny, thin piece of rubber and put it under the side which tightened it up a bit so it seems to be holding. If I get to store , I'll look for Loctitie otherwise I'll try to nailpolish thing!