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Everything posted by Turkeygirl

  1. Here;s the photo of the 3rd shed I've found this year that I posted about previously. It's an antique let me tell you,lol!
  2. Re: Whats your average 10-15 minutes
  3. Re: Away for a few days... Don't worry. I won't tell about the laptop,lol. I hope you have a fun and safe trip!
  4. Re: Recertifications Well I have a feeling from an email I got reminding the people of the recertification for CPR times, that it is going to be a one on one thing. Ugh. I'll be so nervous because besides it being one on one, I know the instructors so it's like....augh! lol
  5. Re: Its really out of hand *Gas Prices* The gas station near college was $2.95 this week. I bet tomorrow it reaches $3! this gas station those is a scam because he is always at least 5-10 cents more than the others and a girl who worked there told me what he thinks: "Be the first to raise prices and the last to lower them." The entire price of gas these days is a rip-off and someone was be taking a huge advantage of this.
  6. Does any on here have certifications in American Red Cross Lifeguarding and CPR for the Professional Rescuer? I was suppose to do my lifeguarding recert. this week but there are only 3 people including me signed up so the guy in charge changed it to next Monday, but I was wondering if anyone could tell me what it usually entails? Thursday night I have my CPR recert. which I hope I'll be done by my sovver game at 9:15pm. I'm dreading both,lol, but now I have another week to get in shape for swimming laps for the lifeguarding recert.; Lord works in mysterious ways Last year for CPR recert. we did it in groups of two, each person taking turns and I hope it's the same way because one year we did it one on one with the instructor and I'm not fond of that way,lol, I get way to nervous. Any way just wondering....
  7. Re: Mossberg 500 20ga. Camo Thanks Mr.Wiggely and thanks hoyt03! I'm getting it is a graduation present; it's gonna be sweet:-)
  8. Re: Dakota\'s pacemaker surgery went well! That's great news! I'm glad he's doing good. Will keep him in my prayers!
  9. Re: Mossberg 500 20ga. Camo I sent a couple pm's to you
  10. Re: Mossberg 500 20ga. Camo What are the two barrels for? Is one for deer and the other like turkey/squirrel/etc...? I'm wondering because I had this idea of maybe if I sold my gun, I could have enough to buy your gun. I'm not sure yet but I'm thinking on it. And you are in NY state which would make it all the easier,lol.
  11. Re: Second day home = 2x the success!! That's awesome. congrats to both of you! I've got 2 weeks from today until the May 1 opener in NY but hopefully some scouting today pays off!
  12. Wish me luck. I just finished lunch and will get my compass, locator calls, a snack, camera, binoculars, and my sister's dog(safety and company) and will had out to a piece of state land about 15 minutes from my house. I will first check out the area where I found a hen and her nest this past summer so I hope I hear something. Even if I see jakes, I don't care. I just hope and pray something will respond so I have an idea where there are turkeys here because I'm tired of 2.5 years without a turkey. I'll let you all know what happens when I get back.
  13. Re: Homemade strutter.........(pics) Nice job! That is one beefy tom,lol! I hope he works well for ya!
  14. Turkeygirl

    NEW JOB!!!!

    Re: NEW JOB!!!! That is great, congrats! I'll be working at the DEC's (Department of Environmental Conservation) Environmental camp here near my home for my internship so I hope they let me commute!
  15. Re: Raising ducks Derek, get a heat lamp or one of those lights you can clip on to something and put it above them to keep them warm, will probably work better than a heating pad; that's what we do at least. If you haven't already, get some chick starter food. It'll say chick but baby ducks can eat it also. Our ducks we raised can't really fly that well anyway. I think because they are domestic andn ot wild, all they can do is maybe run and get up a foot in the air for a second, that's about it, but trimming the primary feathers works fine. Raising the ducks as babies, you shouldn't have to worry about them leaving home. Once you get them out on the pond, You could build a small shed/doghouse type thing for them to go in or even have a small fence around it to keep them in at night. I'm not sure if you have foxes/coyotes around but we do so we keep them in a pen at night. We don't have a pond so we have a small plastic kiddie pool for them. Once they get a little bigger so they don't drown, you can give them a dishpan of water in their cage/small pen to go in. Ducks need water to help them get their food down. I hope this helps. Feel free to pm me with any questions. We had 6 ducks and they layed eggs, hatched them, and then we butchered the youngins. We were back to 4 females and 2 males but about 1.5 weeks ago a fox took a chicken and a female and 2 male ducks so all we have are 3 females. Good luck!
  16. Re: Mossberg 500 20ga. Camo Wow, that is a good deal! I wish I wasn't in college because I would take it. I think I paid $250 or $275 for my Mossberg 500 20ga which was used already, one barrel, and no camo, and I had to buy the chokes.
  17. Re: rules and teams!! Thanks SS! lol, I know there won't be a 100 pics of my sheds,lol, I might find 2 more if i'm lucky this year.
  18. Re: it happened Wow, that's awesome! Congrats! Those must be some big little bunnies,lol! I hope they all make it. I'll have to try the wiping them off thing and see if that keeps my sister's rabbit from eating her bunnies.
  19. Re: rules and teams!! sureshot, say I enter my biggest shed found this year in the viewer's choice then I find a bigger one; can I switch entries or is it enter as many as you want in the viewer's choice? Thanks forthe work you're doing!!
  20. Re: Sureshot\'s Elk Sheds Wow! Beautiful sheds sureshot! Congrats on 2 awesome finds!
  21. Re: Stolen game cam returned!! Wow, I'm glad you got the camera back. Bet that's a nice feeling. Are you going to send them a few snapshots,lol!
  22. Re: This is a 360 degree view from atop Mt. Everest! That is awesome! I've watched a few shows lately on Mt. Everest and climbers; it's extremely fascinating!
  23. Re: USAF E-3 HITS DEER !!! \"GRAPHIC\" Wow, that had to be a quick deeath; it's too bad, what a nice buck. Yeah, his rack stayed in good shape. It's amazing he some damage to a plane.
  24. Re: Can you eat FEATHERS (LOL)!!!! Too bad about missing him but I'm sure you'll get your redemption chance! nice feather collection though,lol!
  25. Re: New additions What cute bunnies! LOL Hangunnr, that bunny has some awesome coloring! I just got done with breeding my lop to the male lop the lady let me borrow, so hopefulyl in a month we'll have little lops,lol.