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Everything posted by Turkeygirl

  1. Re: Found my first shed EVER today!!! Congrats on a neat shed! Now that you've seen a shed, your eye will be a little more trained to spot that different looking "stick",lol. It'll get easier and good luck!
  2. Today I had my sister drop me off on this old railroad bed that winds through some nice woods and farmland near by. I don't hunt this land but the public snowmobiles and such on it so I will hike in the spring and look for sheds. I couldn't check out a few fields I wanted because it sounded like logging was going on nearby so I took a detour through the woods above the field, finding no sheds. I walk the end of the trail out to a local road and as I head towards the road, the trail goes along a corn field. Our dog Lucy is in the field and I glance over and see the round, smooth shape of a tine. I run over and find the biggest, best shed find of my career! Folks, this is a great shed for NY; they don't get much better in my neck of the woods. I am so pumped, especially since I found no sheds last year; what a way to break the ice! The first photo is as it lays. I will get 2 more photos up later, since they are taking forever to load; another one of the shed and one of a HUGE rub.
  3. Yesterday afternoon, I learned how to downhill ski and it was a blast. I think I'm a natural because I could hang of the turning thing so quickly and 2 friends who taught me were impressed. I was invited to go along and try it as the ski slope had a special $10 lift ticket night, and we got rentals from our college for $3. I went down the bunny slope like 3-4 times, only majorly wiping out twice and just falling a few times. then we went on this longer slope with a steep drop on the end twice then we went down this slightly steeper slope with a bunch of hills and rails for tricks; we only went off like the edges of a few hills,lol, and we went down this slope twice. It was so much fun and I'm glad I spent the money!
  4. Re: sheds pics 3 I wish NY was more like Sask.,lol Great finds!
  5. Re: shed pics 2 NICE!!!!!!!!!
  7. Re: Weight Loss Entry Thread. I'm going to sign up, I just need a photo,lol
  8. My cold that didn't seem so bad is worse today than it has been. My nose is a little stuffed, stuff running down my throat, my throat is sore, ugh!!!!!! I had an 8am class and a 9:35am class today, it really sucked, and I still have a 7:30pm-9pm class tonight. It is even worse because I barely have the energy to come on and play Deer Hunter 2005. I did play on the easy level for a little while today,lol, and got a non-typical whitetail scoring like 131 but that's it. This cold is really ruining my plans for doing some weight lifting and homework. I just hope I'm better by Thursday night for a soccer game. I'd appreciate some prayers for myself and my sister who also has the cold.
  9. Turkeygirl

    Sad News

    Re: Sad News That is very sad! Prayers sent out....
  10. Re: Met Michael Waddell! That is awesome! I remember when Ralph and Vicki C. came on these forums one day... it was cool!
  11. Re: Splitting Wood My mom way back when, before we were born and I think sometime after, when she moved out here to the country, chopped wood by herself, go mom! lol
  12. Re: striking out bad here boys! Join the club but you'll find some soon enough. I haven't found any yet either but maybe this weekend with the big thaw...goodl uck and keep at it
  13. Re: Deer Hunter 2005 anyone?? I'm downloading the patch and being that I feel tired and crummy from this cold, I won't make it on but tomorrow Ip lan on getting myself acquainted with the game,lol
  14. Re: Deer Hunter 2005 anyone?? By the way , if you don't see me, I never made it on. I have feeling it is going to take me awhile to read the manual,lol, and I want to see what the answer is about the patch or anything else I may need to download? I'm going to be free all afternoon tomorrow though,lol.
  15. Re: Deer Hunter 2005 I got mine today also, woohoo. It should become the official game of Realtree,lol
  16. Re: Deer Hunter 2005 anyone?? Didn't someone say to go download a patch for DH 2005 for playing online? What is it for and where do I find it?
  17. Yes, I am now not just an offical Moron but I'm an official Moron with DH 2005,lol! I got it in the mail today and when I get back in from barn chores, I'll get it loaded and everything. I'll probably be loading and figuring it out around 6pm, but does anyone want to play at 9pm? There is a tv program at 8pm I want to watch. Woohoo, now I can see what all the fun and hype is about!
  18. Hope you all have a wonderful Monday I'm getting ready to go over to campus for the first day of classes since spring break. Gosh, I could stay on break forever,lol! I won't be done until around 4pm today and I wouldn't be surprised if I don't have a voice by then with this dumb cold, but that is why it is good the Realtree forums are for typing in,lol The sun is out and it is going to get nice and warm this week, and the sap buckets are out on our trees. Have an awesome Monday friends!
  19. Re: who traveled over 1000 miles to see me Alisha and T.D. sitting in a tree(stand...) K-I-S-S-I-N-G First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes a big buck eating the forage,lol! I'm just joking with you,lol
  20. Turkeygirl

    I got a JOB!

    Re: I got a JOB! Congrats and good for you!
  21. Re: THANKYOU alex30808 Can I ask how much a call of such beauty costs??
  22. Re: My First Ever shed...... It's an oldy but a goody! Congrats! My first shed was also old like that.
  23. Re: SELLERS and BUYERS info post Sold an ArmGuard to Shedhunter and received the money quicker than I expected from Saskatchewan! A+ buyer:-)
  24. Re: gettin lazak eye surgury the 24th Good luck! I've heard good stuff about it. Let us know how it goes.
  25. Re: who traveled over 1000 miles to see me One of the Sask guys? Too_Pointer??