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Everything posted by Turkeygirl

  1. Re: Fellow NY\'s - Do you favor antler restrictions I'm against it, just because we hunt strictly for meat to fill our freezer; it's just about all we eat; we aren't rich. Besides this season wasn't to hot, sure I got deer but this is the second shotgun season in a row I didn't score on a racked buck and as far as I know, those 3 nice bucks I saw before the season are still running around...Hunting isn't about the big racks; it's about enjoying and using what God has provided for us.
  2. Until I get the next 5 days off! I've been working 8 hours a day for the custodial department at my college and I get a 5 day break starting tomorrow, then work again for 3 days then a few days off again for New Years. This cleaning thing is really hard, especially when working with your cranky sister,lol! Gotta hang in there I guess then I can look forward to scoring on some squirrels for the contest
  3. Re: Squirrel Contest Results What happens if you have a partner who is never on Realtree, has never contacted you, and seems to have totally forgotten about the contest? I think I might have one,lol. Does this mean I get to enter all 5 squirrels? ha ha
  4. Re: Squirrel Contest Results Well I haven't had a chance to get out, really cold and now I'm working but after Wednesday, I'm off until Tuesday, and the weather is going to get nice so i'm gonna be going out after them squirrels (and rabbits and grouse)
  5. Re: 2006 shed contest.... I will definitely by in it, with hopes of actually finding something to enter this year! Last spring was a bust...
  6. Re: Went To The Big Town Today!!!! That's why you shouldn't wait till the last minute,lol! My mom and I are venturing to Walmart today.....it's gonna be scary!
  7. Re: I\'m finally back home!!! Welcome home!:-)
  8. Re: Torn Between Friends... (or not) Email him again or go to him personally...if he doesn't fix the problem still, get someone else to go with you and confront the problem...tell him what you feel and think and lay down the rules. Let him know if this keeps up, you aren't going to write articles or let him use them because he isn't crediting you...just my input. Good luck!
  9. Re: Buckee\'s Got A New Book Oooot LOL! Steve, can I get an autographed copy,lol! In all seriousness, I'm glad you're here to laugh about it buddy:)
  10. Re: Northern NY is getting HAMMERED! I live in the southern tier of western NY and it is fun right now to see Buffalo NY just about shut down,lol! Ok, maybe it isn't fun for everyone but it quit snowing in my area and is just cold and cloudy. Good luck my fellow NYer's:-) and everyone else (can't leave Tominator out of this,lol)
  11. Re: Hunting Videos F/S Traprdave, what's Finding Your Way in the Wild about?
  12. Re: Wal mart- clearance going down again My mom, sister, and I pitched in and got Andy an Ameristep climber for Christmas for $45 on clearance, originally close to $90; now that's a deal!
  13. Re: I wiped out.... Actually I just got up and I'm not really sore, though my hand hurt last night, I think I sprainedi tl anding on it. I slipped due to when I stepped onthe cement tile and my boots were wet and it was probably already wet, that my feet went out and the rest of me followed:) Oh and I rememberd what the guy standing there said exactly: "That was an impressive fall".lmbo
  14. Well today was my last final exam (after my flying experience ) so I offically have one semester left and then graduation! I am now on 3 weeks of break, most of those days I'll be working custodial at the college but I'm taking some free time to I'm hoping for mainly A's and B's, my environmental Earth Science class is the only one I'm really concerned about, maybe a C+ but hopefully not. I'm planning to go out with my bow this weekend for the late archery season and afterwards start up squirrel and rabbit and grouse again, should be fun! I'm so glad I don't have to "think" for 3 weeks, woohoo!
  15. Re: I wiped out.... Yeah, it was fairly funny,lol, afterwards! I'm ok, don't worry:-)
  16. In the library,lmbo! I had a final exam at 4pm today and got to campus at 3pm to clean the bathrooms. Well I opened the door and took two steps inside the door and next thing I knew I was up and the air and hit the cement tile floor with a resounding THUMP! Well I got up and kept walking and this guy standing there said "Are you ok?" and I said "Yes, I'm ok" and he said something like "That was an amazing fall" (He didn't say amazing though, it was another word I can't remember,lol) and I said "Thanks" lol I'm ok, but I think by tomorrow morning, I'm going to be sore Not to mention a bruised knee. Well wasn't that fun???
  17. Re: Kwikee Kwiver Users Darn it, you beat me,lol! I definitely could have really used it in my quiver:-)
  18. Re: **Attacked by a Blacktail Buck** Buckee, you da man! wow, what an experience you'll never forget!! I'm glad you weren't injured yourself; what a story!
  19. Wow, this is the second time I've ever been up this late doing homework for college in almost 4 years. I actually just quit for the night, I still have to finish my herbarium tomorrow and hopefully the rest of my 10 page paper tomorrow morning. I am in this state of ready to pass out and must keep my eyes open,lol, let's just say I'm so tired I have no balance when I'm walking Ok, I must be crazy, I'll go to bed now ~yaawwnn~
  20. Re: Squirrel Contest Signup Thread Turkeygirl New York Gray and Red (I only shoot gray) Limit 6 per day Season September 1- February 28
  21. Re: Christmas Gift Ideas A book on something she's interested in maybe... A nice sweater/sweatshirt or something Does she have any hobbies?
  22. First I'd like to say I didn't get hurt, is everyone happy now? lol Second of all, we did lose but not too bad considering the score was 31-23 and it was against the field hockey team. I think we have some good players, although this one girl played point guard the entire time and is kind of a ball hog so if she doesn't start passing, iIll have to say something to her, which I don't want to but it'll have to be done because this is a team sport. We have a game tomorrow night against the volleyball team which should be a close game I'm going to try to get some photos sometime of our games
  23. Well it is late in the shotgun season if NY. I know there are still some bucks around, just not seeing them. If I get home early enough today, I was thinking of going to a stand deeper in the woods and/or kind of stalk hunt my way through the woods. Anyone have any suggestions? It seems like the deer aren't moving until near or at dark....
  24. Re: On of the best week-ends in a long time That's awesome, congrats to you and her! By the way, what's you daughter's name because I think my college, Houghton, plays Brockport sometimes, the JV team maybe, so if they come down here to play, I'll have to look out:-)
  25. Re: Squirrel hunting contest... I'm definitely all for it!!! If we have a contest, it needs to be ethical....