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Everything posted by Turkeygirl

  1. Ok, last 2 days of shotgun season here in NY and I can thankfully say we are getting alot of snow, right now actually,lol! Anyway I have a final exam at 10:30am(wish me luck) and I will probably get home around 1pm. I am totally hunting today as I have my buck tag left and am unsure what to do. Yesterday I walked alot, saw nothing. No one else is hunting anymore where I hunt and I am hoping if the wind is right, to hunt in one of the stands tonight and hopefulyl the deer will move early. Do you guys have any ideas of what i should do like tomorrow, the last day as I have the entire day off? There is gonna be snow on the ground for sure and I am hoping to find a buck.
  2. Re: Hows Yalls Season Goin My bow season went great in NY. Got a nice 7 point, biggest buck yet. I've also gotten a button buck and medium doe curing shotgun. Hoping to fill my buck tag in these last days of shotgun.
  3. Re: NY yotes on Deer I know that coyotes and foxes are making a big impact on the turkey population here. I have found remains of turkeys in fields and at dens, not from hunters! We have a fox that takes our chickens! Let's just say I am shooting any fox or coyote that comes in my scope.
  4. hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm........what do the rest of you think? Real or made-up?
  5. Re: I need a gate If I knew that we didn't need them, we have 2 metal gates sitting around not being used that Andy picked up somewhere but I don't know if there are plans for them or not.
  6. Re: Post Your Pics Of Your Pets Here!!! I love the bunny hangunner! Well I'll have to decide which pet to post. Probably a phot of my horse, got some great photos of him:-)
  7. Re: I think you guys are using too much doe in heat... I am noticing a surge in obscene posts in my opinion?....
  8. Re: all you NYer\'s I hate to see people so negative about the deer population but we have 6 deer in the freezer now. I live in Allegany county though so I guess there is a population difference.
  9. Re: NYS DEC - Fight Back Hey NY911, actually Andy(dad kind of,lol) killed a deer with shotgun this year that he had with bow but his arrow just skimmed the top of its back and when he got it with shotgun ,the cut was healing. So it does happen.
  10. Re: anyone else getting this crappy weather?!?! Oh yeah! Down here in the southern tier of NY, we had snow yesterday and like 30 degrees. Today it was in the 40s and raining, anywhere from a drizzle to pouring rain! Suppose to be sunny on Thursday then we are suppose to get a snow storm this weekend. Wish this weather would make up its mind,lol, but God is in control, not me
  11. Re: Card sign-up (please pin) you can add my name to the card also. Ruth aka Turkeygirl-New York
  12. Re: Gut pile cam set up! It could probably smell "deer" there andwas curious about it. I've seen on programs about the elephants that know when one of their members dies and they carry bones around. I think most animals have some sense of if a member is missing but who knows...
  13. Re: Santa, if you read the Realtree forums... I'm not trying to start a fight or anything against me and I know you are all just having fun but I don't come in here to see such personally offending pictures.
  14. Re: Santa, if you read the Realtree forums... In my opinion, disgusting, immoral, and needs to be deleted. Come on people, there is a real meaning to Christmas and this is definitely not it. We have young viewers on here and to some we might be role models...
  15. UBB9-ML-517512-ML-
  16. Ok guys and I thought last night was weird- I was hunting in our small patch of woods, the neighbors were across the road shooting at deer. The deer ran across the road, a black car hit one, I heard the THUMP and kept going. Andy comes up to see if he could get the deer to head my way from this small patch of woods and well he finds a dead deer, FRESH! Needless to say we ended up with some free meat, a huge doe, the one that got hit.. Ok but today this is crazy! I get to the library at college. Had to get some children's books for a class and go to check them out. The librarian says to me "You're making history" I'm like "I am?" and then I find out I'm the first one to get books out on the new system they've got for the library. So I guess I will be getting my picture taken with the librarians and one of the books I got! Is that wacko or what? lmbo
  17. Re: Tag sharing? Wow, there sure are alot of opinion causing posts lately In my opinion, if someone takes a hunter safety course just so they can get tags for someone else to use, that is not right in my opinion nor legal in NY I think but NY allows us to share up to 2 DMP's with another hunter which I think is good. We hunt for the meat and Andy and I have shared our DMP's with each other. What's it matter who shot the deer as long as it doesn't get wasted.
  18. Re: *Realtree 2004 Christmas Exchange Assignments* Sweet, awesome! Thanks YB:-)
  19. Re: No dice in New York I think how the way DEC is doing things like season dates and permits is fine and works, I don't want the DEC to change anything. The DEC though doesn't take into account though, I think, thatsome parts of the state have more deer than other. I mean look at city areas. Near Buffalo they are overpopulated with deer and Andy works up there and sees huge bucks because they don't allow any hunting. Also roadkill plays a role in deer population. I have seen more deer dead on the road before hunting season than during. And the sad thing is the number of deer that look edible but the people who hit them don't want to deal with it, not too mention I don't think people really report car/deer collisions as much anymore. And with the weather? Well snow makes the deer easier to see and colder weather makes the deer move more but sometimes you just have to be patient. No offense to anyone
  20. Re: Got a deer last night! Thanks everyone:-) I did get out this morning deer hunting, saw plenty of other hunters, heard plenty of shooting from them (but they shot at running deer) but i didn't see any deer. There were a ton of tracks though in the snow and alot by our woods so tonight I'm going to hunt in our woods and see if any deer come out across a corn field to me.
  21. Re: NY\'s deer season for souther tier Good point. The DEC shouldn't make changes when each county difefrs in deer population. I think though that in a way, given out permits to everyone or most everyone is good because it gives everyone a chance to experience hunting not to mention some people, like my family,rely on permits to get deer for our freezer. If some kid new to hunting doesn't get a deer permit, how is he actually going to experience the thrill and awesomeness of hunting? Good post though. I'm in Allegany County by the way.
  22. Re: Help with college paper (again!!) Sorry... Ok, I am almost done with a children's literature course where we read alot of kids books, write small paragraphs about them and then choose 2 books to write about 1 page essays on. Professors are different but you can try talking about the plot of the book, what appeals/doesn't appeal to you about the book, what other people might like about the book, what elements of the book make it good. I'm not sure if this is what you are looking for but when I get home I'll see if I can find some more stuff that may help.
  23. Re: Folks, please be careful... Yeah I just found out about 2 accidental shootings while people were deer hunting in my county. One involve an Amish guy and the other was another deer hunter. Both were within driving distance of my home. Come on people, be ethical about hunting and know your target and beyond.
  24. Re: Mrs. bowhunter862 fills a buck tag (pic) Woohoo congrats to her! That is nice buck!
  25. Yesterday I had my sister drop me off hunting, and of course the neighbor was dropping his wife off to push the deer towards him. Well that ruined my plans for hunting the stand in the woods where we last saw the big buck. After seeing the heads of some does run across a field opposite of the neighbors(gotta love it) I decided to walk into my other stand. Well as I got into the stand I hear crashing and see a bunch of tails go running away, I'm like darn it! So I decide to hike all the way around the edge of the fields to our farthest stand which is on the outskirts of a brushy swamp. I sit in that stand for an hour before deciding to get down and head home as my mom wasn't answering the radio so it was looking like I'd have to walk. Well as I stand up and turn around to get my backpack, I drop my one glove, which lands on the ground and I look and there is a doe standing somewhat behind me about 40 yards! I had a clear shot but hesitated. Andy gave me his dmp which is legal in NY but I wasn't sure I wanted to shoot a deer than have to drag it, which I usually have Andy's help for but he was at work! Well I have my gun raised and she wanders below me, feeding around and I'm thinking she is going to go away. I actually stood there thinking God, what should I do? If I got this deer, Andy couldn't hunt anymore this season but frankly he was tired of hunting anyway,lol. Well the doe turns and starts walking towards me and then is broadside about 30/32 yards, I put the crosshairs on her, behind the shoulder and near the spine as I wanted to aim high instead of low and wounding another deer. I squeeze the trigger, BOOM! She drops right in her tracks. It was a spine/part lung maybe, hit right where I wanted it! Well I started thanking God and as I staretd to climb down, what must have been her fawn took off, never saw it standing there. Felt a little bad but it should be ok. So thankfully though my mom answered the radio and as I proceeded to clean the doe's guts out, my mom drove over with the dolley (bless her, without mom, it would have taken alot longer) and proceeded to walk up the middle of this muddy grass field and I proceeded to drag a heavy, somewhere probably 100 pounds or over doe out of the woods. Andy seemed to be happy and surprised and he actually skinned it while I finished up some important papers due today. I will mention that my body is physically tired from the dragging I did, my arms and shoulders get tired really quickly,lol! Anyway I've got ,my buck tag left, we have snow on the ground, so I will probably hunt this weekend but I was wondering, you guys have any tips about finding bucks in the snow or hunting bucks late in the season? Good luck to all of you, the deer are out there!