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Everything posted by Turkeygirl

  1. Re: NY Round Up? Where? Well if it was somewhere that I could get to without too long a drive, and I could get my mom to come or something, I'd go,lol! Thing is I live way down in Allegany Count and the nearest ";arge" cities are about an 1 and 1/2 hours away.(Buffalo and Brockport)
  2. Re: Little Known Facts about Yourself 1. WHAT TIME DO YOU WAKE UP IN THE MORNING? 7am on M/W/F, 9am on Tues/Thurs/ and anytime on Sat/Sun 2. IF YOU COULD EAT LUNCH WITH ONE FAMOUS PERSON, WHO WOULD IT BE? Leslie Burr Howard(famous equestrian person) 3. GOLD OR SILVER? Silver 4. WHAT WAS THE LAST FILM YOU SAW AT THE CINEMA? Lord of the Rings: Return of the King 5. FAVORITE TV SHOW Alias 6. WHAT DO YOU HAVE FOR BREAKFAST? granola bar or nothing 7. WHAT WOULD YOU HATE TO BE LEFT IN A ROOM WITH? spiders and bees 8. CAN YOU TOUCH YOUR NOSE WITH YOUR TONGUE? No 9. WHAT INSPIRES YOU? God and life 10. WHAT'S YOUR MIDDLE NAME? Elizabeth 11.BEACH, CITY, Or COUNTRY? Country 12. SUMMER OR WINTER? Summer 13. FAVORITE ICE CREAM? chocolate with peanut butter cups or neopolitan 14. BUTTERED, PLAIN, OR SALTED POPCORN? Buttered with salt 15. Favorite COLOR? purple and blue 16. FAVORITE CAR? have no favorite,lol 17. FAVORITE SANDWICH FILLING ham or roastbeef 18. DO YOU BELIEVE IN TRUE LOVE? ummm??? Never had it,lol 19. WHAT CHARACTERISTICS DO YOU DESPISE? Worrying 20. FAVORITE FLOWER? hyacinth 21. IF YOU HAD A BIG WIN IN THE LOTTERY, HOW LONG WOULD YOU WAIT TO TELL PEOPLE? probably no onewould know except immediate family and until it was dealed with properly 22. FIZZY OR STILL WATER AS A DRINK? fizzy 23. WHAT COLOR IS YOUR BATHROOM? a light blue/green 24. HOW MANY KEYS ON YOUR KEY RING? 2 25. WHERE WOULD YOU RETIRE TO? the woods of NY or PA 26. CAN YOU JUGGLE? no 27. FAVORITE DAY OF THE WEEK? Friday 28. RED OR WHITE WINE neither 29. WHAT DID YOU DO FOR YOUR LAST BIRTHDAY? homework and campus job 30. DO YOU CARRY A DONOR CARD? yes, on my driver's license 31. WHO DO YOU LEAST EXPECT TO REPLY TO THIS? PaGriz 32. WHO IS THE PERSON YOU EXPECT TO REPLY TO THIS FIRST? Too-pointer
  3. Being in NY, deer I don't think shed really till January, maybe late December through February. I always seem to start looking too early but usually I look from around Valentine's day through May. Most luck being in March it seems:-)
  4. Re: Lung surgery Friday morning I will be praying hard for you buddy,sorry to hear of that. I hope everything goes well,keep a good attitude,you'll be back out in the woods soon!
  5. Re: Road Trips Part II Great show Michael and awesome 50 yard shot,my eyes popped out on that one! Can't wait for the next episode,more hunting and less commercials,lol!
  6. Re: Road Trips Part II Great show Michael and awesome 50 yard shot,my eyes popped out on that one! Can't wait for the next episode,more hunting and less commercials,lol!
  7. Re: Just to let you all know Man that really stinks wtnhunt. I will be praying for theb oy and for you and your wife,what an awful situation.I wish I had the answer for ya but I don't.Hopefully both the boy and especially his father will come around.You are doing the right thing,just be patience,the Lord knows what he is doing and has plans even though it may not seem like it
  8. Re: New or Used??? My new bow I got this year we got used for $150 I think.Most of my stuff is new though,like my camo,turkey hunting stuff,etc...My shotgun we bought used also but it was almost like new because the guy barely used it.
  9. Re: After the Kill? First I make sure it is DEAD! Then I usually say a prayer or two or three and say thankyou to the Lord about 20 times. Then I get down to the admiring part I haven't shot a big buck yet either so we'll have to see how that goes,lol!
  10. Re: new medicines and how they are used? Oh,I feel bad for you,especially if you aren't able to bow hunt:( Yeah,you should see several doctors and get their opinions.And maybe a sportsmedicine type of doctor might be able to help you.Now if it was me,and I still had alot of years left,I would definitely consider seeing a specialist,especially if it meant I might be pain free again and have more motion in my arm/wrist.I wish the best of luck to you!