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Everything posted by Turkeygirl

  1. On your own land...wow...that is horrible...
  2. God's blessings with you Tim! Looking forward to reading the updates!
  3. My first trail cam got stolen a year after I got it, was not happy at all, locked with a Python lock even.... I now have 4 cams and if they aren't in our woods or close to home on neighbor's piece of land, I hide them in inconspicuous places and secure them with heavy chain and masterlocks...they'll have to work to steal em...
  4. Keep at it Art! I've only had 1 shot opportunity, about 2 weeks ago and ended up being a gut shot I think and lost the deer....barely a blood trail. Weatehr has either been too rainy or too warm, BUT looks like by the end of next week into the weekend, the weatehr will improve and maybe after this storm goes through, the deer will be on their feet.
  5. On October 27,2011 I shot my biggest archery buck - it was a cold sleety/snowy day and he gave me a slight quartering away shot at 15 yards: Anyone else have "hunting anniversaries"?
  6. Going to be at work today when my horse is put down...kind of planned it that way, been a hard week going in the barn and seeing my horse, knowing what has to be done....can't bare to be there when the vet comes. I'm thankfully the nice weather the last couple days - let my horse go out and graze in the yard...apples and carrots...Had him for 15 years....
  7. Trying to do a little more pheasant hunting...need some tips. I hunt by myself. Don't really have any 'bird dogs' so to say but I did take my sister's lab mix who does pick up scents and by chance she flushed one...well it never flew, just ran. Our one other dog is good at rabbits so I thought maybe next time I'll take both of them. I think the downfall for me is hunting by myself, the pheasants run more than fly and I never see them. The state land is stocked with pheasants by the state, where I was hunting last week, I found more feather's from other hunters and from predatory kills than pheasants seen.
  8. I got one of the HSS lightweight vests from Cabelas on sale earlier in the year for $69....really like it...very comfy...Fits me betetr than the other one I had.
  9. Nothing here yet...been working 3-11 so usually sleeping in the AM. Off today so might go out tonight....
  10. Warm today, cool and rainy tomorrow....Debating if I should hit the deer stand this evening rather than pheasant or turkey hunt....
  11. I think usually in the past this usually doesn't officially get going until closer to Thanksgiving....
  12. I feel for you Jeramie....went through all that when buying my Kia from a dealer...never want to go to a dealer again - tried charging me for all this extra stuff I didn't need or want....the manger guy was a real PITA.....
  13. Check out Spypoints....nice little camera that won't cost an arm and a leg..I got an IR5 this year for $110:
  14. Crescent....like a Crescent Moon
  15. Putting my old gelding down this coming weekend....He's had many good years and better now on a nice day then to let him continue to decline and risk him going down in the snow or getting sick....Despite feeding efforts, he continues to lose weight and has a bump on his nose that has slowly grown. I've known time has been coming but doesn't make it any easier....
  16. Is that what you call it?? lol
  17. I remember reading something about a year back, a little rundown on bill Jordan and Realtree in a magazine and it said something about working on a new pattern...
  18. Great news Chris! I enjoyed the humor:-p Now go do some hunting!
  19. Turkeygirl

    Bad phone call

    I've heard rumor of trying change us from 8 hour shifts to 12 hour shifts...if it does happen...I'll be ok with it only if I'm on day fhift...We have had to do all these rediculous charting audits and what not though, which is hard to do when you have patient's coming and going for 8 hours....Times are changing everywhere and with everything.