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archerjg last won the day on November 20 2015

archerjg had the most liked content!

About archerjg

  • Birthday 08/07/1981


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  • user_name_impex

archerjg's Achievements

Monster Buck

Monster Buck (7/7)



  1. archerjg

    The Deer Detective

    Congratulations on finding it. That is a dandy buck. Archerjg
  2. Awesome job he definitely deserves extra treats. Archerjg
  3. archerjg

    Night shift

    I used to work 12 hour shifts which really ended up being 13 hours having to come in 30 minutes early and leave 30 minutes late for shift turnover to the next crew. After a few years of that I am on more normal work hours of 6 am to 2pm -3pm. Archerjg
  4. archerjg

    Long time, no see

    Welcome back to the forums. Archerjg
  5. I'm still here. Where my wife and I live we don't have internet available so I'm not on nearly as much as I used to be. That and working on the house, farm, and with a little one on the way time is limited. Archerjg
  6. Congratulations on a great deer. Archerjg
  7. Congratulations on a great buck. Archerjg
  8. Congratulations to your daughter on a nice buck. Archerjg
  9. Congratulations on a nice doe. Archerjg
  10. archerjg


    Low 20's here and with the wind chills single digits with rain and snow expected Saturday. Archerjg
  11. Congratulations on a great buck. Archerjg
  12. Congratulations to your wife on her buck. Good luck with the rest of your season. Archerjg
  13. Congratulations on a beautiful old buck. Archerjg
  14. Congratulations on a great buck. Archerjg