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  1. I think AR can be effective but there are better management tools I grew up in Pa but have since moved I travel back to archery hunt for a week every year but have long since given up Rifle in Pa. One of if not the worst game commission in the country
  2. Mathews zxt or pick up a used Heli or Z7. I recently shot a hoyt spyder 30 side by side with a Creed and chill the Mathews definately shot better and althought the hoyt did balance well in hand the quality behind the shot is what always sell me on Mathews.
  3. If it is known to be a ferrule that is different but as a long time dog owner and hunter some of my greatest hunting memories growing up where with my dog. I can't imagine shooting some kids or families dog bc it chased a deer to me that doesn't do anyone a favor.
  4. Not all Mechs are created equal and should not all be grouped together bad or good! Rage IMO are among the worst penetrating heads on the market that being said I use mechanical exclusively just choose wisely.
  5. I have used these for years since they came out great stuff doesn't break down would love to see someone replicate an estrous scent
  6. I shot a doe at 40 yards last year that was my farthest to date
  7. A Rocket Steelhead will Penetrate as well as almost any fixed blade as proven in multiple third party tests! check them out
  8. Get a Rocket and double band them! Rage can open with the high speed generated by an xbow
  9. Just curious if I am the only one! I used rockets for years with amazing results switched to Rage out of the pressure and hype of peers and marketing had a few bad expieriences which i wont go in to detail. Last year I switched back to Rocket Sidewinder now made by Trophy Ridge and went 3 for 3 saw all the deer fall. I have had amazing results with Sidewinder as well as Steelheads. Just seeing who if anyone still uses them and why or why not?
  10. Mathews Legacy! Every year I consider buying a new one then I shoot my Legacy and think why?
  11. I have hit several deer in the the shoulder unfortunately 2 of them have been this year. I shoot a 70lb Mathews Legacy at 29.5 inch draw and Gold Tip arrows tipped with a Rocket Sidewinder. Both deer I blew rite through the first shoulder and stuck in the off side. The doe ran about 70 yards the buck ran about 30. I did loose a deer a few years back using a Rage when i hit him in the shoulder had very little penetration. With Rocket Sidewinders and steelheads I have never not gone through a shoulder. Look into the Rocket Steelhead with you set up I have complete confidence you will get through a shoulder with your set up. I still try everything in my power to avoid hitting the shoulder
  12. First, I would like to state it irritates me when someone groups all mechanical heads into one group because they are created very differently. I have expierience with several different heads but primarily Rockets by trophy ridge and Rage Since this is a Rage post I will stick with those. I have and know many others that have used Rage with varied success. Pros= Huge cutting diameter, Great entrance holes typically good blood trails Cons= Poor penetration when contacting bone, Can open in quiver or while walking causing to open in flight. My opinion= I shot 4 deer with these heads 2 I recovered easily and 2 I did not find the one was low in the shoulder probably my fault that being said I still only had about 4 inches of penetration. The other was a buck I hit high in the back and got roughly 6 inches of penetration no blood trail due to the angle and only having an entrance hole. Personally I have heard and seen first hand with me and friend have major penetration problems with the rage heads when contacting bone. When you dont hit a major bone they are an amazing head and you will hear and see pictures of great blood trail and deer piling up in short distances. As for Rockets I have shot 14 deer with sidewinders and recovered all 14 from blasting rite through shoulders to the liver and everywhere in between. The rocket steelhead is another amazing head that will out penetrate many fixed blades this is not just me talking but independant testing. So when someone groups all mech heads into the same basket that is doing them an injustice. Conclusion- Rage are an ok head in my opinion but I prefer a better penetrating head on thick bone which often a trophy buck has. Look at the Trophy Ridge of Rockets line the sidewinder and steelhead are simply amazing. The meatseaker is new as well but I have no expierience with it to speak of. I have also heard good things about Grim Reapers but again no personal expierience and I prefer the design with a band around the blades like on Rocket it guarentees the blades stay in place and that they will open 100 percent of the time
  13. I have shot Rockets for years originally using the miniblaster then switching to the sidewinder about 8 or 9 years ago. I have also played around with the steelhead on elk wich is an amazing little broadhead. My confidence in sidewinders is amazing I have taken 14 deer with sidewinders recovering every deer i drew blood on. 14 for 14 These heads have bailed me out of situation where I was in my stand kicking myself for the shot I had made only to hear him pile up seconds later. I have hit deer everywhere from quartering away to almost head on and everywhere in between. I have shot directly through shoulders ect. I could go on and on. This is not to advocate poor shot selection as I try and take the most ethical shots I can but real world hunting situations sometime dictate less than ideal angles There was a short time I switched to Rage simply bc everyone else was I went 2 for 4 with Rage and had penetration issues when contacting large bone. I quickly went back to Rocket Sidewinder. My question is who else uses these or any of the other Rocket line I am curious as to the prevelance of these heads in todays market.
  14. Leaving work in Atlantic City tonight around 7 driving 6 hours to western Pa. Should be in stand by first light plan on making friday my first all day hunt of the year.
  15. I have not personally used it but know many people that have! It simply doesnt work you can put it on corn and deer will eat it but you can put corn out as well and deer will eat it just the same. The best bait hands down for whitetail is simply shelled corn it attracts the does and in turn the does attract the bucks! I am a Pa guy so baiting isnt something I have to much expierience with but I know many people that do in other states. As for Cmere deer it is our running joke with my hunting buddys that we will say " Just putt the cmere deer out im good to go" this is purely sarcasm making fun of the people that use it and the product itself! Also I here they are coming out with a new line to best there 3 day harvest. This is going to be called 3 minute Harvest.