First, I would like to state it irritates me when someone groups all mechanical heads into one group because they are created very differently. I have expierience with several different heads but primarily Rockets by trophy ridge and Rage
Since this is a Rage post I will stick with those. I have and know many others that have used Rage with varied success.
Pros= Huge cutting diameter, Great entrance holes typically good blood trails
Cons= Poor penetration when contacting bone, Can open in quiver or while walking causing to open in flight.
My opinion= I shot 4 deer with these heads 2 I recovered easily and 2 I did not find the one was low in the shoulder probably my fault that being said I still only had about 4 inches of penetration. The other was a buck I hit high in the back and got roughly 6 inches of penetration no blood trail due to the angle and only having an entrance hole. Personally I have heard and seen first hand with me and friend have major penetration problems with the rage heads when contacting bone. When you dont hit a major bone they are an amazing head and you will hear and see pictures of great blood trail and deer piling up in short distances.
As for Rockets I have shot 14 deer with sidewinders and recovered all 14 from blasting rite through shoulders to the liver and everywhere in between. The rocket steelhead is another amazing head that will out penetrate many fixed blades this is not just me talking but independant testing. So when someone groups all mech heads into the same basket that is doing them an injustice.
Conclusion- Rage are an ok head in my opinion but I prefer a better penetrating head on thick bone which often a trophy buck has. Look at the Trophy Ridge of Rockets line the sidewinder and steelhead are simply amazing. The meatseaker is new as well but I have no expierience with it to speak of. I have also heard good things about Grim Reapers but again no personal expierience and I prefer the design with a band around the blades like on Rocket it guarentees the blades stay in place and that they will open 100 percent of the time