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About c_lou

  • Birthday 05/13/1976


  • Location
    Mondovi, WI
  • Occupation
  • Interests
    Hunting, My Family, Amatuer Astronomy
  • user_name_impex

c_lou's Achievements

Monster Buck

Monster Buck (7/7)



  1. c_lou

    Opening Day buck

    Congrats. That's a nice buck.
  2. Congrats to those that got one down. Our gun season came and went. I missed a nice big 10. He wouldn't slow down a lick from the 100 mph he was running across the field. My last shot I seen snow fly just a smidge out front of him. He was in the woods by time I could get another piece of lead out.
  3. Gun season starts tomorrow. Going to get a doe on the ground no matter what. My family needs the meat. I am hanging up the bow. I won't have much time after gun season to get out. Work project is taking up most of my time.
  4. Well I sat all weekend, even had Friday & Monday off. I saw a total of 5 deer, 2 shooters though. I am really not happy that all of our corn is still standing. Every deer I seen was either coming out of or going into the corn. Between the corn and the weather, not sure which one is worse. Yesterday was perfect but a north wind at 20+ mph made sticking it out a battle. Good deer movement though yesterday. Not sure when I will get out again. Work is kicking my butt, so it might not be until next weekend or even the start of our gun season on the 23rd. Congrats to all of you who got deer.
  5. Starting to see does wondering around by themselves. A couple days ago they all had fawns with them. Sat all weekend and didn't see 1 buck. It was warm and windy. Everybody I have talked to says all their pictures are coming at night.
  6. Planning on a 5 day woods excursion. Been seeing the small bucks getting stupid. It's been warm and rainy here the last week. Mid 50's...YUCK. Suppose to be cool tonight and then a small front coming through tomorrow morning. GOod Luck to all.
  7. Sat both days of the past weekend. Small bucks seem to be out and about during the last hour of daylight. Seen a small fork horn pester a doe and fawn on Sunday. All of our corn is still standing. My BIL sat on Friday night and passed up a nice 8 pointer, just not what we are looking for though. He said that night the deer were moving pretty good. Not going to get out until Friday after this weather passes. Got a few days off over the next couple weeks, so going to hit it hard.
  8. Went out both nights of the past weekend. Rainy and cold both days, but the deer were moving. The farmer renting our land made a path back to the woods. A small buck came out Saturday night, munched around on the chopped corn and then walked back into the corn. Sunday was even better than Saturday. Had a doe and fawn walk right under my stand out into the corn. A small spike buck was out there, he noticed the doe and proceded to dog her back into the corn. Right about dark, a small buck came out of the corn and passed about 35 yards out. He hung out and then walked back into the corn. Anybody see a theme? Let me help you, it starts with C and ends with ORN. THe rest of this week is suppose to be cool with overnights into the 20's. Hopefully the end of the week brings some of the bigger bucks up on there feet moving.
  9. Sat last night and didn't see a tail. While I was driving back home, I did see 4 small/med bucks all out in a cut corn field. They seemed to be posturing towards each other but nothing serious. Seems they are still together and not all hopped up on sexual juices yet.
  10. I went out last night. Sat for 4 hours and seen 2 doe down below another stand. Farmers were chopping corn above me, I thought I would have seen more deer. We have lots of standing corn around. Hoping the farmer can get some of it chopped this week.
  11. I went out last night. Got acorns dropped on my head all night by some vindictive squirrel. Still a lot of leaves on the trees around here. We need a good frost and a day with a stiff breeze. It was hard to see more than 50 yards around me. I sat on a ridge that is full of acorns. Hoping to get out mid-week before the warm up comes.
  12. Nice job. Meat for the freezer and points on the board.
  13. Prayers sent from the land of cheese.
  14. Cool down is coming later this week. Next week is the begining for me. Still shooting daily.
  15. c_lou

    Girl Scouts?

    Both of our girls were in girls scouts for a couple years. They had fun and learned a lot about different things. Plus(or minus depenind on how you view it) they get to sell cookies. As our girls got older, they found sports/piano/dance so we made them decide. They both chose to quit girl scouts. I think it was a good experience for both of them and would recommend having any girl try it out.