Re: Food plot seed choices
Vermont---don't expect much seed in those 100 sp feet samples. The are in tiny envelopes just like the seeds you buy when you want to plant a garden. Enough to plant a 10 ft by 10 ft piece of ground.
Now, their video is a really nice video of the how to of food plotting and there are some good articles in the Whitetail News. I enjoy reading the Whitetail News--it is geared toward their products but still has some great information.
I have never planted No-Plow but just remember the more you put into your plot (work) the more you get out of it. You can scrape the leaves off the area and throw the seed down and get some growth but not like when you work the ground. I have done the no-till method in some small plot with some success. You need to remove all debris (leaves, rocks, sticks) so the seed will have good soil contact. What I also like to so is spray the area a couple weeks prior with roundup to kill any existing vegetation.
In my opinion the most important aspect of the no-till method is waiting for rain. You need to broadcast your seed either during or right before a rain. The rain will help drive the seed into the wet ground and splash soil onto the seed. This will really improve your germination rate. I don't broadcast fertilizer at the time of no-till planting. I like to wait until the seeds have germinated then broadcast some triple 19 at 200#/acre.
If your doing a smaller area increase the seeding rate by 50% and if possible take a rake with you and roughen up the soil the best you can.
Some seeds that I have had success with doing the no-till method is red clover (my favorite), brassicas, wheat, and rye.
you might e-mail Oneida man and see if he has any advise using the no-till.
good luck