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Everything posted by dogdoc

  1. never hunted in Mississippi, but good luck to ya! todd
  2. dogdoc


    Re: Death!! well deserved penalty.
  3. Re: Really mad now The sad thing about this story (other than a wounded buck) is the hunting ethics your cousin is teaching his son. First--tresspassing and Second--poor shot selection. Congrats to your dad! todd
  4. dogdoc


    Re: GOT A DOE TONIGHT. congrats--enjoy the tender doe! todd
  5. yep--he's a nice one. Congrats on your buck---has a great inside spread. todd
  6. dogdoc

    Big 4

    Re: Big 4 i'd take that big boy. todd
  7. Re: Arkansas Razorback ( Russian Boar Dead) congrats on the pig. todd
  8. I have a mossberg 835 for turkey hunting---I very dependable shooting shotgun. I don't deer hunt with a shotgun but I am sure you could get an extra rifled barrel for an 835. welcome to the forum todd
  9. Re: What we all dream of.... i'd have nightmares the rest of my life missing that boy at 15 yards. what a monster buck todd
  10. Re: Mossberg 500C congrats on the new shotgun! todd
  11. dogdoc

    New to forum

    Re: New to forum hello---and welcome to RT! todd
  12. Re: First Deer with new muzzeloader w/ pic congrats---I bet she will be some good eatin' todd
  13. Re: SOLID STEEL PICS man--that looks fun! Don't get any action like that here in Oklahoma. todd
  14. Re: Food plot seed choices try to pic a spot where you will get at least 3 to 4 hours of sunlight. That will also help with the success of the plot. I'm sure the deer use the farmers big field but probably more at night. Smaller hunting plots hidden in the trees make a great evening spot to ambush a big buck. The deer will use these smaller plots before heading to the big field. good luck todd
  15. Re: Info on Archery Research The very first year AR started producing bows they did have some problems with their risers and also the limb pockets. I had one of the original AR34 and when the bottom limb started slipping out of the pocket I had it sent back to PSE---a brand new AR34 arrived 1 month later. The dealer charged me 5 bucks for their cost on shipping. Of course I would recommend shooting one to make sure they feel ok in your hands but I do love the way my AR34 shoots. I think you won't regret the choice. The only negative aspect I can say about them now is they are not available in RT camo! todd
  16. Re: Food plot seed choices Vermont---don't expect much seed in those 100 sp feet samples. The are in tiny envelopes just like the seeds you buy when you want to plant a garden. Enough to plant a 10 ft by 10 ft piece of ground. Now, their video is a really nice video of the how to of food plotting and there are some good articles in the Whitetail News. I enjoy reading the Whitetail News--it is geared toward their products but still has some great information. I have never planted No-Plow but just remember the more you put into your plot (work) the more you get out of it. You can scrape the leaves off the area and throw the seed down and get some growth but not like when you work the ground. I have done the no-till method in some small plot with some success. You need to remove all debris (leaves, rocks, sticks) so the seed will have good soil contact. What I also like to so is spray the area a couple weeks prior with roundup to kill any existing vegetation. In my opinion the most important aspect of the no-till method is waiting for rain. You need to broadcast your seed either during or right before a rain. The rain will help drive the seed into the wet ground and splash soil onto the seed. This will really improve your germination rate. I don't broadcast fertilizer at the time of no-till planting. I like to wait until the seeds have germinated then broadcast some triple 19 at 200#/acre. If your doing a smaller area increase the seeding rate by 50% and if possible take a rake with you and roughen up the soil the best you can. Some seeds that I have had success with doing the no-till method is red clover (my favorite), brassicas, wheat, and rye. you might e-mail Oneida man and see if he has any advise using the no-till. good luck todd
  17. Re: Wife thinks deer mounts are Chrismas Decorations my wife always puts a red ball on one of my deer's nose to look like rudolph.
  18. dogdoc

    sawtooth oak
  19. Re: 3 I thought it was a great movie.
  20. Re: Realtree items on ebay [ QUOTE ] That's because we wear them til they fall off our bodies...LOL [/ QUOTE ] that's what i was thinking also!
  21. Re: Smoke pole came thru!!!! We need pics!!! congrats on the buck! todd
  22. Re: Spring 2005 Take 2 I'll be set up in my pop up blind right on this food plot---the gobblers love to come and strut here: I'm going to try to take my first bird with a bow this year. I use several mouth calls and a primos slate! todd
  23. Re: I hate rain! i never hate rain but i know how frustrating hunting in the rain can be. good luck the rest of the season! todd
  24. Re: What to do what to do. lil--i know how hard you have hunted. If i were in your shoes i'd shoot the first legal deer you can! good luck todd