food plots also take the pressure off the natural vegetation/habitat thus improving the entire land and increasing the carrying capacity of the land--this is of course dependant on the size of the food plots for that given piece of property. I plant 3 different "types" of food plots. Perennials which will provided nutrition year round, warm season--which will provide high protein during the antler/fawning period. Cool season which helps during the stress of cold and rut. Sure--I hunt over the food plots but you must realize that the deer and other wildlife are benefiting from the food planted. I've killed many deer before I started planting food plots but it sure is more fun seeing my property hold more deer and seeing healthy deer. My antler inches have dramatically increased since I started planting and it is rare now to see a doe with a single fawn. There is no agriculture in my area so the deer really enjoy the high quality nutrition and the deer herd is benefiting from my hard work. Trust me I still do my scouting and yes--90% of the food plot usage is during night time hours--at least according to my scouting cameras.