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About Gus

  • Birthday 03/30/1975


  • Location
    Central Texas
  • Interests
    Hunting, Fishing, Trapping Hogs, Predator Calling

Gus's Achievements

Monster Buck

Monster Buck (7/7)



  1. Got a doe for us. Will get the pics up this weekend hopefully.
  2. I have my fair share on hogs running around on my place. I go back home just about every weekend to help my mom out and do stuff for her, plus just mess around out at the place. Every time I am there I set the hog traps (I have 4 now and about to build a couple more), plus take the gun or bow and go hog hunting when there is no other seaon open. I kinda like the hogs so that I can have something to shoot year round, but they sure can tear stuff up.
  3. Well it sure was fun finally being able to sit in a treestand again, it was kinda drizzling/rainy all weekend and I didn't score on any deer. Actually I only seen 5 deer all weekend and none of them were within bowrange, but I did score on a black boar hog that weighed 120 pounds.
  4. I get to hit the woods this weekend, I can hardly wait until Saturday morning :wine:
  5. Congrats on the doe Rem. I still have a couple more weeks before I can hit the stands, but I am ready.
  6. Checking in here, ready for the season to start. Bow starts for me Oct 3, so not that much longer of a wait.
  7. Last weekend bird, smaller than the first but he will eat just the same Saturday May 16 I had gone around the place trying to strike up a gobbler, but couldn’t get one to answer me so I decided I would go and sit by the feeder that the hogs had been coming to since it was a little cooler than it has been thinking maybe the hogs might show themselves during the day. I stick a few turkey calls in the pockets, grab the AR and the shotgun and go get in the stand. Ever so often I let out a few of my turkey sounds and all of a sudden there is one answering me across the creek, he sounded like he was coming my way so I just stayed in the stand, got the shotgun ready and tried my best to lure him my way. Well, little did I know I had another gobbler interested in my calling, while the one of the other side of the creek was talking to me I had a silent boy come in. It was like he just popped up in front of me out of nowhere, so now he is just about 15 yards away and wondering where the hen he had come looking for had gone. I got the 835 up to my shoulder and pointed in his direction about the same time he decided something was wrong and he was getting out of dodge, but he wasn’t fast enough to outrun the swarm of #4s headed in his direction. My silent bird ended up with a 6 inch beard and ¾ inch spurs.
  8. Saturday May 16 I had gone around the place trying to strike up a gobbler, but couldn’t get one to answer me so I decided I would go and sit by the feeder that the hogs had been coming to since it was a little cooler than it has been thinking maybe the hogs might show themselves during the day. I stick a few turkey calls in the pockets, grab the AR and the shotgun and go get in the stand. Ever so often I let out a few of my turkey sounds and all of a sudden there is one answering me across the creek, he sounded like he was coming my way so I just stayed in the stand, got the shotgun ready and tried my best to lure him my way. Well, little did I know I had another gobbler interested in my calling, while the one of the other side of the creek was talking to me I had a silent boy come in. It was like he just popped up in front of me out of nowhere, so now he is just about 15 yards away and wondering where the hen he had come looking for had gone. I got the 835 up to my shoulder and pointed in his direction about the same time he decided something was wrong and he was getting out of dodge, but he wasn’t fast enough to outrun the swarm of #4s headed in his direction. My silent bird ended up with a 6 inch beard and ¾ inch spurs.
  9. Gus

    Lost money...

    I found one of my aunts, an uncle and my sister on the list, I sent them emails about is so maybe they will get something
  10. The gobblers around my parts where still acting henned up, so I set up a few of my game cameras around on my place to see if I could get any pattern from them. One of the cameras the turkeys where coming by it on a regular basis, in the mornings leaving a roost and going back in the afternoons, so I set up a popup blind in hopes of catching one of the gobblers. The last couple of weekends I sat in the blind and would call about every 15 minutes or so and never could get the gobblers to come my way and all I seen was hens walking right by within shotgun range. Saturday afternoon my luck changed and during one of my attempts at calling, all of a sudden I heard a gobble and it was close and to the right of me. I had the windows on the right side closed because from the game camera they had been coming from the left during the afternoons, but I did have a little spot peeled down on one of the right windows just so I could peek out that direction. The bird was coming my way and I still could not see him thru my little peek hole, but finally I seen him and he was strutting around, so I let him get his fan between me and him and then peeled one of the right windows down and got the shotgun out and ready for action. I watched him put on a show for a minute or so and then let the shotgun do its part. I ended up with a 20 pound boy that had a 10 ½ inch beard and both spurs ¾ inch.
  11. Gus Final Roost---Team 2 NWTF Score---56 Right Spur Left Spur Beard Close up of end of beard Tag Form
  12. Here is me and my bird, going to post the story up in the turkey section