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About TOMSD5

  • Birthday 10/30/1952


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    i\'m a disabled hunter, broke my neck when a deerstand fell 12 years ago. i get out every chance i g
  • user_name_impex
    Tom Scheland

TOMSD5's Achievements


10-Pointer (5/7)



  1. iove my electric smoker....i cook just about anything in the best flavor and the meat is so moist and of my fav's is bacon wrapped loin.... take a piece of loin slice it thru the center...put cheese of your choice, jalipinos and onion in the center...wrap it with bacon....put it in smoker for about 2 1/2 hours and then get your tastebuds ready for an explosion of good eating...oh yea i put peperjack cheese in mine...hope you enjoy...
  2. niceeeeeeeeeeeee buck will.congrats on a wall hanger....
  3. TOMSD5

    Hi yas to all

    thanks to you all...never took any wall hangers this year but did take one nice buck a seven point, took a half rack 4point and a five ....took a few button buck thought they were doe and only took one doe...had some missed shots of course they were the biggest ones i saw....but i got a freezer full of meat and some great memories storied in my head of my looking for a new farm to lease or hunt cause my honey hole farm sold the last week of season....and will i to did not see many does this season and like you wish the state would change our quota on the does....
  4. TOMSD5

    Hi yas to all

    hello to all been a long while since i've been here, glad to be back. had another great season, how bout you all...
  5. can't wait to get a set of them.....
  6. well im hope everyone's season has been good so far...mine has been great....i took a big doe the first week of our tn season and to small deer the first of the week...had to work since but hope to get back after them tomorrow....i have pic's of them and will post as soon as i can figure out how to do it again
  7. TOMSD5

    Sick of Beggars!

    we have them come in to the resturant i work times i do give to certian ones which you can tell the ones that really are hungry and the ones that just want a free meal.....if i know i don't mind
  8. TOMSD5


    had it done last july, was off work one week but was on tight restrictions, i work as a manager in a local resturant, all the boss would let me do was supervise the crew and do books, the doc wanted me to be off the full six weeks untill i told him of my job duities. as some have said don't push it and in your line of work it may take longer than the six weeks that until you get up to full steem, it's been ten months for me and i still feel like of luck to you...
  9. congrat will, he's better looking then you tho,,,lol j/k.. great addition to your family...
  10. TOMSD5

    im backkkkkkkk

    lol, howdy to all yes im back online again. ill try to stop in as often as possible, been real busy for a while but hope to rest a bit now...hope you all had the best season last fall cause i did.well will be hollering at ya...
  11. lol that was keep um coming
  12. about the same thing happened here last year. man was shot and killed....a deer hunter on a draw hunt in a federal reserve shot a person walking threw the woods on the way out to the lake to work on duck blinds...o.k. man was not be be in the area. hunter should have had positive i.d . on target before pulling trigger... the fact is a person is dead. who was at fault? i feel both were. this is really troubling to me because the man that fired the trigger was my cousin. he has hunted all his life and i know his dad told him many times to never pull that trigger until you have positive i happened and now families have to suffer.just remember once that trigger is pulled there's no stopping it, and it hurts....have positive i.d. on your target and beyond every time you hunt with what ever you hunt with...
  13. man they do grow so fast was only yesterday when he took his first buck as a child but now what a man....Give him our best and thanks...God Bless