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About Tsmola

  • Birthday 09/25/1984


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    hunting, fishing, tv computers, building websites, painting, drawing
  • user_name_impex

Tsmola's Achievements


4-Pointer (2/7)



  1. at least they showed up. bout 5 years ago someone shot a buck in our field at night with a rifle in September. Called the DNR and no one ever showed.
  2. Re:passing deer-frustration setting in(pics added) if you choose to start passing small bucks in hopes of letting them grow you have to learn to accept some years you aren't gonna shoot a buck. I haven't killed a buck since 2003, I know sooner or later my patience will pay off again. I have no plans to give up waiting on quality deer anytime soon because once it finally pays off it makes it all worthwhile.
  3. Re: 140\" or better.. How many have U seen in your life I've seen probably a dozen or more out in the wild (seen some big ones in captivity too) I took one: 140 4/8 and another that's close 133 5/8 Those two I mentioned are the biggest I've seen while hunting and I got both of them, but I've seen much bigger ones while not hunting. Last year I was watching a non-typical until at least halfway through the growing season when he dissapeared, it was still early and he had a lot of growing to do but I thought that would have scored 160-170 roughly guessing. I've seen more and more 120+ and bigger deer the past 5 or 6 years than I ever had before.
  4. Re: Pros and cons... I got a Moultrie Gamespy 200 and promptly returned it after a week. Animals have to trip the camera twice for their picture to be taken, needless to say in that week I got a grand total of 0 photos and I even watched deer in the field where I had it walk right by. From what I hear, Moultrie is only good if you are putting it on bait or a feeder. Since that's not what I wanted at all I returned it and got a Leaf River IR.
  5. Re: BUCK OF A LIFETIME!!! 2006 [ QUOTE ] we got an unofficial gross core but I'd rather not say, not sure if I believe it. [/ QUOTE ] didn't the one in your avatar score something like 180s-210 somewhere in that range? I thought I saw a post on that a long time ago, I haven't been here recently so I don't really remember, if you can't believe the score and you've already got one that large.... good lord what's the gross? And a story please, the suspense is killing everyone here I think!
  6. Re: BUCK OF A LIFETIME!!! 2006 Bet you'll be seeing that photo or a similar one on magazine covers a few months from now. Truely awesome, the mass and brow tines are wicked, that buck probably cut down the trees he rubbed! Big congrats!
  7. Re: two bass / one cast / one lure!!!! I've had that happen to me twice, the first time it was 2 bass around 1 lb each. The next time it was 2 dinks, both times out of the same pond.
  8. Re: Attn: Michigan Deer hunters I was seeing 5-6 per hunt, mostly does I only got skunked seeing nothing 2 or 3 times, I didn't bowhunt a whole lot this year, mostly went out with the muzzleloader. I think I'm going out for one last hunt tomorrow night, then I'll start looking for shed antlers.
  9. Re: Fellow farmer shot 14 point doe thought they could only have spikes? no, of course not. I've seen pics of does with as many as 22 points. you can't make a post like this without pics btw, it's just not right!
  10. Re: **Attacked by a Blacktail Buck** what I find most amazing is his buddy had a knife deer hunting permit lol j/k just prop the deer up and take a re-creation photo of the moment your buddy saw you
  11. Re: How many deer did you see? ummm, I have no clue, a lot, it really depends on the weather, and there are a lot of repeats. I've only seen a handful of antlered bucks while actually hunting this year. Rest are does or button bucks.
  12. Re: Two Nice Thanksgiving Deer awesome bucks, and I agree with let's see the video. I'm still trying to locate the power cord for my brother's digital so I can transfer the footage of my doe kill to the computer, but your footage looks like it is much, much, nicer!
  13. Re: Got one with a another messed up rack (pic) congrats, a friend of mine's dad shot one like that years ago except it was a 5x1 he thought it was a 10 point until he got up to it and lifted up it's head and saw the spike lol
  14. Re: look what a cuddeback caught ! lol that's a great pic, deer porn! I got a pic of a deer mounting another one year before last, but we think it was a button buck showing dominance over another.
  15. Re: my 2005 buck (and coyote) --pics congrats 11 kills in 11 years is good anywhere you go!