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About doog3

  • Birthday 12/12/1954


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    BC Canada
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  • user_name_impex

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  1. mike

    hey stranger! long time no see

  2. doog3


    ty ya me too earthquakes have always scared me hope your family is ok too
  3. doog3


    everything is fine no damages they say we might get some aftershocks crossing fingers that doesn't happen
  4. doog3


    USGS has confirmed a 4.9 magnitude earthquake hit 23km north of Victoria at 11:38pm. It was felt all over Metro Vancouver and the Fraser Valley. it scared me it shook my chair just about knocked me out of it
  5. doog3


    USGS has confirmed a 4.9 magnitude earthquake hit 23km north of Victoria at 11:38pm. It was felt all over Metro Vancouver and the Fraser Valley. it scared me it shook my chair just about knocked me out of it
  6. doog3

    mother in law

    ty for every one for their messages much appreciated
  7. doog3

    mother in law

    ty Shaun much appreciated and your little girl is getting cuter everyday
  8. doog3

    mother in law

    ty arrow much appreciated
  9. doog3

    mother in law

    ty for all the nice thoughts and prayers ya cancer does not have mercy on anyone lost my father in law to cancer as well
  10. doog3

    mother in law

    ty everyone for kind thoughts and messages
  11. doog3

    mother in law

    ty everyone for the thoughts and prayers
  12. doog3

    mother in law

    well got the call no one wants my mother in law passed away today she had cancer she is now at peace rip in mom miss u big time
  13. doog3

    I'm a daddy!

    congrats to u both shaun and kayla she is a real cutey
  14. doog3


    long time no see ben congrats to u both