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  1. I've killed alot of hogs at my place,,,,,just stay under 150# and cook it like your deer and it's great
  2. Re: first bow buck (NY) pics congrats
  3. Re: bullets for 30/06 i have used winchester ballistic silver tips in 150gr for years and have not had any problem
  4. Re: Shipping Rifle/Shotgun Question you can ship it yourself but it has too be shipped to a licensed FFL holder be it a dealer or private party but they have to have there FFL
  5. Re: finally got one...the whole story... Congrats,,,glad ya found your deer
  6. TD

    animals killed by poacher

    Re: animals killed by poacher Turn him in ASAP,,,,,we need to do all we can to stop poeple like this
  7. Re: 42 DEGREES IN THE MORNING!!! 36 ON FRIDAY! this cold front i a welcome site hear in Texas,,,,i'll be out there this weekend
  8. TD

    quiver on or off???

    Re: quiver on or off??? I leave mine off when i hunt and practice
  9. TD

    Not every day

    Re: Not every day cool pic,,,last year i was at my place and me and the wife watched a fawn feed from it's mother for about 15mins
  10. Re: Tip of the week Coyote are not as dumb as you think,,,,,,studies show they are very smart animals,,,,,well i guess the one's in Arizona are stupid because yotes here in Texas are pretty darn smart,,,,,,,If you call with the same call every time they Will get call shy and you would be lucky if you kill more than 1 or 2,,,,,oh i for got YOU HUNT WITH DUMB COYOTES