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    deputy sheriff
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  • user_name_impex

deerslayer2295's Achievements


6-Pointer (3/7)



  1. thats awesome, congrats on the new job.
  2. around the 1st of july, I was golfing and when I was on the 9th tee, as I swung at the ball, something snapped in my shoulder. I have been dealing with the pain since then. I went to a sports dr., who believes it is a torn rotator cuff. I have to go for an mri on friday to see how bad it is. hopefully it is minor and I only need physical therapy, but i don't believe I am going to be so lucky.
  3. I just had a message pop up that said I was a prize winner on real tree, and when I clicked on it it closed the site, and went back to yahoo. My question is prize winner for what, and how do I find out how to claim said prize?
  4. I have not been on for awhile, and what a change, so far pretty cool. Now all I have to do is figure everything out all over again:hammer1:
  5. After the year I had last year, losing almost 2000 acres to hunt on and having a tree stand stolen,:bang: I finally got some good news. A friend of mine had purchased a farm, 280 acres mostly wooded, and he said that I could hunt anytime that I would like. :yes: This year is starting off pretty well. I hope to check this property out this spring and find some stand sets for the fall.
  6. Sorry folks, I tried my best this year, but I didn't score this year. I passed on a few spikes this year and a small 4 pt. When doe season got here, I had the flu, I just can't win. Then we had a three day extention on the doe season, I saw a total of 4 deer, as they ran away from me, tails waving. Bye Bye deer, see ya next year.
  7. I feel for you also, I had a treestand stolen that I had locked on the tree, along with my steps and my rope. I figure I lost around $150 bucks. Nothing is safe when it comes to some one who wants it worse than you.
  8. Monday was first day of gun season in W.Va., I hunted a new area. I saw two small spikes and a 4 point and a few doe. Not a Bad first day, but I hope tomorrow is better. Good luck to everyone.
  9. This has been a bad year so far, in my area anyways. First of all I was told that I could not hunt on the property that I have hunted on for the past twenty years because their are new owners and the y don't allow any hunting. Then second I went to get my stand that I had on the property, you guessed it, STOLEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It really sucks when you lose 1500 acres and a stand all in one season:death:
  10. congrats on your kill, that is one nice deer I hope you are getting him mounted.:clap:
  11. Kind of late in the year, but when I was on the sheriff's dept. I would do the fund raising for our deputies assoc. We would sponsor a golf tournament. Basically we approached local business's to be hole sponsors $50 or $100 per hole, more if you can get it. Also team price would be $200 to $400 per team. which included price for cart their meal and prize money. The green fees were donated by the course. We also had one large raffle item that we sold tickets on for a few months prior to the golf tourney. (A Mario Lemeau jersey). Then during the meal we would draw the winner. Also several local business's donated prizes for the event. We had two vehicles for hole in one prizes. Would raise over $5000 after expenses.
  12. Have a great vacation, oh and by the way do you need a hunting partner on any of those locations, be glad to accommodate. lol
  13. I also sent an e-mail, sorry I screwed up the first one.:death: